Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me
July 16, 2011
Fool Me Thrice, God Help Us All…
Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Fooling the public is one of America’s most successful enterprises. Banks make money by deceiving customers, retail stores fool us with pricing shenanigans, manufacturers sneak in lower weights, churches manipulate the Gospel, the government manipulates the Constitution, political prevarication has become a part of American life, lawyers fabricate defenses, judges distort the law, mendacious policemen entrap citizens, evangelists sell the Creator, imperious theologians usurp God’s throne, businesses mislead their customers, parents manipulate their children, etc.. Fooling each other is pandemic.
The public is vulnerable. Some of the people will always believe the most outrageous lies and more will refuse to believe the most obvious truth. Naivety is common to the human condition.
Naivety flies in the face of the deification of reason. Not only are human beings frequently unreasonable but their ability to reason is often captive to emotional distortion. Mental acuity is of great value; the strongest and smartest outperform the weaker and dumber. However, the strongest and smartest are just as vulnerable to emotional manipulation as the weaker and dumber and just as difficult to correct.
One of the symptoms of pride is a hyper-evaluation of one’s worth. Philosophers who champion human reason make a huge mistake by failing to properly evaluate their own significance. As one human being among billions of inhabitants of a tiny planet in a vast, esoteric universe they vault themselves into a divine position and from that unreasonable stance begin to discuss things they cannot understand.
We are a pugnacious people. Emotional truculence often contributes to our support of immorality and wicked wars. The exuberance that followed the submission of an extensive section of the North American continent to United States domination fueled a heretical manifest destiny to include the killing of any and all who fail to comply with the American will.
When the Federal Reserve was foisted on our nation early in the Twentieth Century we became a puppet to foreign financial manipulation and war became a common part of our everyday life. We supported the War to End all Wars and a couple of decades later, forgetting that we had just won the War to End all Wars we rushed into another foreign conflict to save the world from the German Monster, then another couple of wars in Asia, now the massive incursion into the Middle East. The War on Terror like the War on Drugs is endless and unwinnable. Though murder and mayhem have neither protected our nation nor provided it with gain, a major portion of our citizens remain fooled into lending their support.
Each war was accompanied by a slick propaganda campaign. Communism was a boogey man. Vietnam and Korea required American troops to shoot, bomb, and burn. Millions were killed and our own government became increasingly totalitarian. Now Islam has become the new villain and nations in the Middle East that have no significant armaments and have never threatened the United States have suddenly become enemies. A large percentage of our people are frightened by the Muslim religion. They believe Sharia law has become a threat to their freedom and they hate all Muslims. Somehow the cognitive dissonance involved in government sanctioned Muslim immigration escapes their minds. Like obedient sheep they hate on queue.
In the same way that belligerent citizens are easily fooled into supporting war, lazy, self-centered Christians are easily fooled into believing false doctrines. As a result we have a weak and ineffective Christian church that leads its members into evil wars, killing and maiming our youth, destroying our reputation, and bankrupting our nation.
In his waning years Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a book entitled “Two Hundred Years Together”. It was a record of Jewish association with the Russian people in the Soviet Union. Because Zionists control our media the book has never been published in America.
Jews have enjoyed widespread acceptance in America. There was resistance but to a great extent it was overcome. Hard work, intellectual acuity, and aggression have hoisted Jews into leadership positions in the Arts, the Media, Business, and Government. They exert tremendous power over the entire United States.
When, at the Diaspora, God divorced and scattered His chosen people He discarded a diligent race of extraordinary talent that had defied both His rule and His redemption. It is a unique race because God made it unique. It is a lost race because its stubborn resistance has made reconciliation impossible. It does not assimilate into Christian societies and invariably creates resentment because it diligently works its way into positions of power and attempts to control its hosts. Widespread conspiratorial collusion caps its rise in secular societies. But since God does not intend it to exercise power its dominion is cruel and devilish resulting in persecution.
Sympathy for Jews is one of the biggest dupes of modern times. I recently received an email from a woman with a trio of Biblical names that directed me to “Stay out of the Old Testament – it is obsolete.” Failure to read and understand the entire Bible has allowed American Christians to distort the Gospel and fall into disastrous heretical theologies. The Bible describes God’s character. God changes His mind but He does not change His character. The Old Testament records the works of God Who sent His only Son to provide mercy for His errant chosen people. When the merciful forgiveness He provided through the death of His only Son was cruelly rejected, He fulfilled His threat to scatter them and at the Diaspora, Christians replaced them as God’s chosen people. Old Testament promises to the contrary were made prior to the crucifixion and were forsaken.
An English film based on George Eliot’s book “Daniel Deronda” was shown on public television in four parts. It is now available on DVD. The story concerns a kind and virtuous young man raised as an English aristocrat by a foster father with no knowledge of his true heritage. He rescues a Jewish girl from suicidal drowning and through a series of miraculous coincidences is claimed by Jewish people who turn out to be related to the girl he rescued. His mother then asks to see him and he finds that he is the son of Jewish parents and his mother had given him to her lover to be raised as an aristocrat allowing him to avoid the persecution directed at her race. In a Jewish ceremony he marries the girl her rescued and vows to go to Palestine to help create a Jewish homeland.
It is a touching film but brimming with propaganda that few Gentiles will recognize. In contrast to his piers Deronda is sympathetic, kind, and full of wisdom. Jewish persecution in Victorian England is realistically described and the embryo of Zionism is nurtured. In stark contrast to the lofty power and prestige Jews now enjoy the movie portrays them as poor and humble adding to an emotional sympathy for their persecution. The concern is not with the artistic endeavor that goes into a movie of this sort or with the story line itself, but rather that an alien race that makes up less than 2 percent of our population controls a vehicle that radically influences our people as well as those in the remainder of the world. This power is frequently used to denigrate and deteriorate the morals and religion of the host nation while manipulating them into supporting an alien agenda. It fools the public in a malicious and monstrous way.
A large percentage of the editorials being written in our time are seriously flawed. Two party politics is a popular subject with the usual vilification of those in the opposing political party. The dangers of Islam and Sharia law provide popular fare. One columnist compares Islam and Communism allowing the vestiges of Communist hatred to enter the frantic fear of Islam. All of this misses the real source of evil power and the real threat to the welfare of the world. Two party politics has been a huge mendacity from the beginning.
When Leon Panetta was selected to run the CIA and later the Defense Department there was only one consideration – would he be an obedient servant of the cabal that runs the world? The new world order oligarchs are not concerned with race or with political affiliations. They do not care if those they support are Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, or Communists; they are not concerned with their professed religious affiliations or their public image; they demand obedience. Governor Rick Perry of Texas is a prototype.
We need to understand that two party politics is a fraud that has been used to fool us for centuries. Politicians deceive the public by creating the impression they support programs that are beneficial to America and its inhabitants while at the same time betraying their constituents by voting for legislation they know is inimical. Think of politicians that voted for GATT, NAFTA, and CAFTA; these are the men and women that helped push our nation into the poverty that threatens to overcome us. Smart, mild-mannered, and quick witted politicians are often adroit liars.
There is so little truth left in our nation that writing about truth seems unnatural and is rejected by brain washed citizens. If we had as many Christians willing to obey God as the New World Order oligarchs have traitors, our nation would be a far different place!
The results of chronic deception were graphically described in an email I received this week.
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
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Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
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