
The Hidden Hand: Divides and Conquers

December 5, 2007

I write frequently about the anarchy that results from human beings trying to create an orderly life out of their own estimation of right and wrong. On any given issue opinions are as varied as the prejudices of those that hold them.

In response to my recent article “What Ever Happened to Mercy” a reader inquired about my support of Ron Paul. I explained that Ron Paul is not perfect but that he has one essential characteristic that during my lifetime has been missing in the political realm; he is obedient to the Constitution. My reader responded that Paul is an isolationist, the United States is in danger from Islamofascism, and that he had decided to vote for Guiliani. This man, like hundreds of thousands of his fellows, believes the government propaganda that Islamic nations hate our freedoms and are capable of inflicting great harm on our nation. He reasons from that premise and since his premise is incorrect all of his conclusions are wrong!

Islam is a militant adversary of Christianity and should be resisted by all Christians. However, invading the territory of a mother bear with cubs will result in a vicious attack and that is what we have done in the Middle East. As Ron Paul repeatedly says, “They are over here because we are over there.” We need to leave their land, stop supporting their arch enemy, Israel, and allow them to conduct their own affairs.

The religion that needs primary concern and attention from every Christian is not Islam but humanism. Humanism and its system of government is an imminent danger to Christianity in the United States and around the world. Unwarranted concern for Islam detracts from recognizing the real enemy.

A serious injustice was created along with neo-Israel and until that injustice is addressed and rectified strife will continue.

Conflict, strife, and division are ploys that divide and are implements of warfare being used by conspirators against the people of the world. Reverend R. J. Rushdoony wrote that there can be no tolerance for the legal system of another religion pointing out that toleration is a device used to introduce a new law system and a new intolerance. Freedom of religion is a tenet United States citizens boast about but from a Christian perspective it is an abomination and a weapon in the quest for Satanic world government.

The conspiracy to create world government is real and under-girds everything. Its implementation has been ongoing and is currently being accelerated. Since the powers behind this agenda are the supreme powers of the evil conspiracy, it follows that events that enhance it are being planned by its promoters.

The fallible opinions of men allow them to reason away reality playing into the hands of the conspirators. Many choose to side with government propaganda failing to see conspiracies, condemning reality and those that reveal it. Even Christians who worship the Savior, a victim of a conspiracy, often refuse to accept the fact that the conspiracy for world government is real.

The unseen conspiratorial hand is in all that comes forth from the media. Pat Buchanan had a half hour interview on the Glenn Beck Show. They lamented the end of America and talked about how it might be stopped. Beck asked, “How do we wake the government up?” Buchanan replied that the problem is a belief in the myth of the “melting pot”; a belief that the United States can absorb unlimited quantities of immigrants from different cultures and with different languages. He maintained the solution is to talk with congressmen and if they do not respond “vote them out”. View the interview here.

Buchanan writes that ideology was Bush‘s undoing, “Bush is not unintelligent and he is a principled and energetic executive. As for Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the others, all have long resumes of accomplishment in politics, government and business. Why, then do they seem to have failed so dismally?

He maintains our troops around the world are defending the nations they are stationed in but they are no longer necessary and should return home.

Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck, Phyllis Schlafly, Paul Craig Roberts, and Pastor Chuck Baldwin are some of the heroes of those who seek to inject truth into the public debate. All of these writers do an exemplary job of firmly pointing out the disastrous course our nation is following. But seldom mentioned is the clandestine power of the Hidden Hand. Conspiracy, common as it is, is not a subject that can be openly discussed. The powerful Hidden Hand behind our complicit media will not allow it.

Two presidents of the United States have mentioned the conspiracy. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” Read the speech here.

President John F. Kennedy also noted, described, and warned against the same conspiracy.. Hear his speech at this .

Later, President George H. W. Bush spoke openly about the New World Order in a televised speech. Hear a portion of that talk here.

In 2004 speaking at the University in Kyiv in the Ukraine former President Bush I said, “the United States of America would always welcome and support those reformers who joined us on the path to a New World Order.

Yes, the conspiracy is real and can easily be verified. Nevertheless public television personalities are able to deny its existence while the Hidden Hand stifles correction. This misinformation is heard by thousands of citizens who believe it is true because no one denies it. Watch the acquiescence to the big lie here.

Pat Buchanan is wrong, it was never Bush’s ideology that was his undoing. President George W. Bush campaigned against nation building and foreign involvements. But his advisors were tried and true Council on Foreign Relations world government conspirators like George Shultz, Brent Scowcroft, and Henry Kissinger. These men were closely involved with Bush from the beginning. President Bush does not control our nation. Our nation is controlled by the Hidden Hand. Pat Buchanan knows it, he also knows he would be banned from the media if he talked about it.

The reason for the silence when CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin duplicitously referred to the North American Union and the Trans American highway as false conspiracy theories was the same as the reason Pat Buchanan, Lou Dobbs, Phyllis Schlafly, Glenn Beck, and Paul Craig Roberts confine most of their comments to the results of the conspiracy and not to the conspiracy itself.

The One True God is the source of order and peace, Satan and the New World Order bring disorder and conflict. The United States is divided over a number of issues. The two party system is sustained by division. Abortion has divided the nation. The War in Iraq divides the nation. Support for Israel divides the United States just as the creation of a Palestinian State divides Israel. Iraq in the throes of a civil war is easy to maintain. Iran would be ripe for the picking if the Hidden Hand can divide it with Western debauchery.

Abortion is wrong. Human life is created in the image of God. God brings it forth and only He has the right to extinguish it. Nevertheless, when abortion activists fight to reverse Rowe vs. Wade their quest for righteousness creates strife and is a model of the cunning employed by the Hidden Hand.

The modern State of Israel is another excellent example of a wiling creation of enduring strife. Evangelical Christians who support the injustice of creating an alien state on land owned by people who do not want it are supporting the Hidden Hand.

Citizens who naïvely believe the attacks on the World Trade Centers were the work of Islamic terrorists play into the agenda of the Hidden Hand.

Christian naysayers are becoming critical of Ron Paul with many contending that God is bringing punishment in the United States. Failing to discern that if they choose to vote they should cast their vote for the most righteous candidate, they support the Hidden Hand.

Then there is that vast crowd known as the silent majority. Most of them don’t have a clue. They are too busy with their families and their jobs to cast a knowledgeable vote. They will get their information from the television network news and vote for a candidate who seeks to enslave them by supporting the Hidden Hand.

Without an immutable legal system and the humility to adhere to sound theology, God’s fallen created beings are unable to reach enough consensus to properly govern themselves. Their division supports the Hidden Hand.

Is tyranny a punishment for rampant apostasy in the United States? Yes, it could be – we certainly deserve it. That, however, is God’s decision to make. Our duty is to support God’s Laws and work to select leaders who will do the same.

Al Cronkrite is a guest columnist for
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

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