Representation, Secession and Taxation
August 16, 2011

Now that the Super Congress drops any vestige of equal representation within the House or the Senate, many people ask what is next. The concept of a republic form of government is a core element that separates the American experience from that of most “so called” democratic countries. The funeral for our Republic deserves to be the newest national holiday. Most oblivious taxpayers do not even know that the death of the constitution occurred well before any of us were born. Yet, the country carries along with the myth that out vote counts in elections and that we have representation in the halls and corridors of government.
As long as you are not part of the No Labels = the Ignorant Middle, you are finally getting the message. The investigative news nexus Raw Story likes to report headline reports.
“According to a Washington Post poll released on Wednesday, just 21 percent of Americans are satisfied with the way the country’s political system is working, down 17 points from November 2009. Forty-five percent of Americans now consider themselves “very dissatisfied” and 33 percent consider themselves “mostly dissatisfied.”
Additionally, just 26 percent of Americans believe that the federal government can actually solve the country’s economic problems, down 21 points from October 2010 and down 37 points from February 2002.”
No wonder the Tea Party movement erupted. The annihilating tax burden dooms any sensible reform that a sincere or honest official, might infrequently offer. Since the debt, can never be paid off, without the entire destruction in the purchasing power of the currency, the political class finally comes clean. The obliteration of Federal Reserve notes, euphemistically once known as the US Dollar, affects everyone. However, the same does not apply to the taxation leg of this crippling disease.
No taxation without representation is a familiar notion. However, representation without taxation is a foreign idea to the vast hordes of government leeches that deem it a “right” to be on the public dole. If you receive government transfer payments and do not pay federal taxes, you qualify as a recipient of welfare by accepting that subsidy.
Three reports provide the same range of data. “During 2006, Tax Foundationeconomists estimate that roughly 43.4 million tax returns, representing 91 million individuals, will face a zero or negative tax liability.” The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center publishes the enclosed chart and states that “much has been made of TPC’s estimate that fully 46 percent of Americans will pay no federal individual income tax this year.” Finally, Derek Thompson writes in the Atlantic, “Half of American tax payers owe no federal income tax, and most of those filers actually net tax benefits from federal income taxes, according to analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation in a letter to the Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee.”
This disconnect between benefits and costs is summed up nicely by Alan Aronoff in The American Thinker, “When beneficiaries of government policy do not sufficiently overlap the payers of those benefits, we have a governing system of representation without taxation.”Now put this pitiful situation into perspective from a voice of the common man – Bill 4 Dog Catcher.
– 51% of Americans pay no income taxes per year.
– Back during the height of the War on Poverty only 24% paid no taxes.
– Of those paying no taxes now: 30% actually get money back via various credits.
– Of those paying no taxes now: 91% make less than $19,000 per year. Some of those are retired folks (15%) and some are young, ages 16-26 (39%).
We have become in essence a country of ‘representation without taxation’.
If good old boy Bill “gets it”, why are all those Ivy League attorneys in government so dense . . .
As discontent rises and practical solutions evaporate, that dirty historic sentiment begins to bubble to the surface, SECESSION. Russell D. Longcore provides a standard, when secession is a vital and justified option that many would accept.
“Secession should be solemnly deliberated by the elected representatives and the state citizens. Secession should be initiated at the moment that any state reaches the point at which it will no longer accept the despotic tyranny and laws coming from the US Federal Government in Washington, DC. Or, secession should be initiated upon a collapse of the Dollar, or the imposition by Washington DC of martial law in the event of social upheaval.”
In his best Texan draw, Mr. Longcore pens an imaginary letter for delivery to the steps of Congress and the office of the President.
“Dear Washington: It’s over. We’re leaving. We ain’t asking your permission to leave. We ain’t asking for a legal divorce. We’re just ending this relationship right here and now. We’re rescinding the authority we gave you in 1788. Leave us alone. Goodbye.”
A simple answer to a failed Leviathan, but few will put forth this coherent argument. The political culture is not forgiving of those who want real alternatives or those who deem to dismantle the superstructure of state. What makes this line of reasoning interesting is that your next president (according to the Bilderberg anointing invocation) Rick Perry is a devotee of this concept. Even this veritable mouthpiece for the international cabal could not conceal his enthusiasm, back in 2009 during his campaign for governor.
(CNN) – Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn’t ruling out the possibility his state may one day secede from the nation.”There’s a lot of different scenarios,” Perry said.
“We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.” (Video: Tea party fires up debate)
Wow, if you did not know better you would think Perry belongs at a Tea Party. Once again, the media rushes to praise the handpicked pretender to the throne, because their bosses signaled the green light to get behind the next Bush want-a-be. Just how many frustrated Tea Party taxpayers or Christian-Zionists will commit sacrilege to support the next tool of the banksters’ global empire?
Failing to con the conservative grass roots Tea Party novice or the blinded John Hagee evangelical congregation, the Perry machine will need to herd voters, who practice representation without taxation. As more of the cattle want their president to guarantee their easy lifestyle, the greater the chance of the real secession.
The only secession that would be allowed by the puppet masters behind Perry is that from the Constitutional Republic. Let’s be absolutely clear. Secession by any of the fifty states from the federal union is not only legitimate, but is entirely justified. Regretfully, the world community does not allow true self-determination, much less the totalitarian collectivists in Washington that despise independent and self-sustaining government entities.
Most urban and metropolis breeding pens produce genetically altered and culturally deprived species who falsely believe they are the superior creature. Decades of relinquishing their responsibility to fill out a tax return and send in a tax check of a minimum amount due developed the attitude that only others should pay to support them.
Again, let’s be perfectly clear. All government taxation is thievery. However, we all reside in a global gulag of government oppression. Without sharing the same intensity of pain and outrage, how can the system be stopped from beating down the entire society, as the most productive and dedicated simply cease creating wealth?
The middle class is not just shrinking it is being eliminated. The genuine Tea Party intuitively understands that government is an integral destroyer of a free and prosperous society. As long as representatives respond to those who do not pay for the cost of government, they only do the will of those who control the money racket. The majority have sold their allegiance for a song.The Rick Perry’s of the world become the instruments of the global elites because they are just as greedy as those who defend cashing government checks to maintain their silence. The alternative is to force your representative to acknowledge that they are not acting in your best interests. They already know that, but refuse to admit it in public.
Exerting political pressure on the system is as much your responsibility as any aspect of citizenship. You need to pay your dues, even if you refuse to contribute any money for baseless taxes. By now you should know that financing Federal Despotism is immoral. Yet the principle of shared financial anguish to fund a small limited government is a valid concept. Unfortunately, that kind of regime is far from reality. If that day ever comes, it may be a life changing experience, paying a voluntarily small amount to an actual legitimate republic.
Until then publication concludes:
“What a noble ideal: Representation without Taxation! Depend upon it: our era in American history will be notable for the smallness of its leaders, but that’s the fault of the rest of us. They represent us perfectly.”
Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:
Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
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