Tornadoes, Federal Budgets and Campaigns
February 7, 2008
After the Super Tuesday Tornadoes: “All the clues were there. It was just unfortunate that it came out the way it did.” -Joseph Schaefer, Storm Prediction Center, Norman, Oklahoma
The clues to the State of the Union are in front of us, a storm of tornadoes are fast approaching. Are we taking any preventive action to correct, escape, avoid the consequences?
This week Pres. Bush announced his 2009 $3.1 trillion budget. Congressional Dems have already declared they will most likely ignore Bush’s proposed budget and develop their own. You know what that means: Increased spending, more government growth and waste; additional spending on a credit card that never runs out.
I laughed when I read Sen. Hillary’s response to Bush’s budget proposal, that this fulfills Bush’s “disastrous fiscal management over the last seven years.” Where has she been? Voting for spending.
We are no longer surprised by the big numbers are we? And though the “Clues were there,” tornadoes are unpredictable as to where or how many funnels are going to touch ground, do their damage and possibly kill people.
Another tornado is the presidential campaign. Sen. McCain has all but declared that he has the GOP presidential nomination in his pocket. Conservatives are a wee bit upset. Supposedly McCain will explain all in his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But I’m sure he won’t let go of his prideful ways and grovel before his peers.
This moderate GOPer is the man who likes to compromise and rub palms with the lib-dems across the aisle. That’s not conservatism; it is compromise.
Ongoing voting results show loyal-to-the-party republicans are out in force, voting in large numbers for the usual gambit — the lesser of two evils. This has always been the argument from the GOP leaders. We don’t want Ms. Hillary or Master Obama taking the reins, do we?
Look at the GOP as a ship in the middle of a vast sea. Many conservatives have already jumped ship. In recent years, more have gone over the railing, particularly since the party has been hijacked by capitalist, neoconservatives. Today, many conservatives stand at the ship railing, poised to join the vast sea of conservatives adrift in think-tanks, grassroots groups and other conservative organizations.
It’s no longer about who’s in control of the Congress and the White House. Neither party believes in limited government nor in controlled spending. Neither do they honor the oaths of office to do their jobs as predicated by the U.S. Constitution.
Both parties are in trouble, but here I concentrate on the GOP. The last few elections have shown that thousands, if not millions, of American conservatives are waking up, including me, to the fact that the GOP no longer represents conservative traditionalists.
As those elected GOPers have gone more to the left in policies that do not hold to the principles of conservatism, conservatives cannot be blamed for the Republican Party’s disarray. Now it is a matter of voting our conscience. So, we will not fall for the old preaching of “vote for the lesser of two evils.”
As we conservatives drift in a sea of spread out think tanks and grassroots organizations, we must look for a leader, one who will bring us “all” together under one umbrella. Those still on the GOP ship should get the Clue from Richard A. Viguerie’s book, “Conservatives Betrayed.” He said, “Conservatives must put principles first, not parties and politicians.”
Meanwhile, the potential candidates of both parties are fighting for your confidence that they will do a better job than Pres. Bush. My guess, either way we go, GOP or Democrat, we’re going to get more of the same.
As for the federal budget — this is the biggest Clue of all. All we have to do is look at what’s happening across the economy: housing busts, bank busts, a rocky stock market, foreigners buying up American land leases for highways; devalued dollar; an out-of-sight National Debt with liabilities poised to bring our nation to its knees before our great grandchildren are born.
Despite the fact that the deep well of the National Debt keeps filling up, we see no steps to change the way we do business.
Another Clue is the fact that Americans keep reflecting the government by their own overspending — adding to the overall national Personal Debt without rainy day savings to keep them solvent.
All of these tornadoes haven’t completely touched ground yet, but the storm is coming.
Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at and publishes on other online publications.
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