The Media is Dead….Long Live the Media
June 5, 2012
This past weekend it was reported that CNN has lost 50% of its total audience in the past 12 months. This is not isolated to CNN but is a consistent trend among all television news networks. It seems that as if the “mainstream media” is no longer as “mainstream” as it likes to present itself.
This weekend while CNN, MSNBC, FOX and their identical counterparts were sitting in their air conditioned offices running pointless and divisive stories to distract the public, the REAL media was on the ground at Bilderberg 2012 chasing down the limousines of war criminals.
No one from the mainstream American press was present, although there were dozens of mainstream news agencies from all over the world who flew great distances to cover the event.
Television news crews from Latin America, Russia, Germany and various different parts of the European Union were all represented, most of them in total amazement at the sophistication and professionalism of what was once called “the alternative media”.
If it wasn’t for the laid back attitude and casual dress code of the independent journalists, one could have been fooled into thinking that they were there on behalf of the mainstream media.
Although I guess that isn’t entirely true, because I have never seen the mainstream media join with a crowd of protestors and stand beside them in solidarity for an entire weekend.
When witnessing the performance of the independent media this weekend it becomes extremely obvious why mainstream news sources are experiencing a massive decline in ratings and credibility.
The independent journalists are the ones who are actually putting in work, and they are the ones who actually connect with the people at home on a personal and philosophical level. Recently an by we are change and actually said that he was “too lazy” to research such things.
This is no surprise, the mainstream media doesn’t have investigative journalists, they have talking heads, which are basically teleprompter reading actors.
While mainstream sources depend on advertising dollars from big pharma and the military industrial complex, most independent sources are able to do what they do thanks to the voluntary donations of people who find value in the service that they are providing.
The entire mainstream media is consolidated into the hands of just 5 corporations, all of which are tightly controlled by aristocrats. On the other hand, the rising independent media is represented by hundreds of thousands of average people who offer a decentralized and diverse alternative.
It has gotten to the point where mainstream sources are literally stalking the independent press for stories, because they understand that they have taken a back seat to the new wave of journalism, and they know that their best chance of survival is to ride that wave and hope that their appeal to authority will withstand this progressive shift in media consumption.
This could be seen over the weekend as the mainstream media scrambled to keep up with the surge of information that was being broadcast worldwide, live from the frontlines of the Bilderberg protest.
For the first time ever mainstream sources were forced to cover the event and take it seriously, although as expected their coverage was a weak collection of whitewashes that failed to present any credible information. Big surprise there.
The credible information was coming directly from the source, from the journalists and researchers who had some background knowledge on the subject and who were actually on the scene covering the event.
As each limousine pulled into the parking lot of the hotel Shepard Ambellas of the intelhub could be spotted leading a pack of photographers toward the side of the car to get a good shot of the occupants. As a result of this effort the theintelhub was able to publish some incredible up close and personal shots of this years Bilderberg attendees.
Meanwhile dozens of ustreamers were circling the protest area, giving those at home a perfect view of the events live as they were taking place. Alex Jones of Infowars was also broadcasting his live radio show while protesting, simultaneously running a live video stream that would put any television news presentation to shame.
To top it off there were hundreds of other journalists spread throughout the crowd, documenting their own perspective, hosting interesting debates and acting as backup video crews for the more popular independent news sources.
On the special media host and vocal activist Adam Kokesh said that the event was more than just a protest, it was a “summit” for alternative media and activists.
I think that is an excellent way of describing what happened, and reminds me one of the articles i wrote last month, which was titled “Occupy Bilderberg: An Experiment in Activist Journalism”.
What we witnessed was a radical combination of activism and journalism, which did indeed accomplish its goal of changing the worldwide political dialogue, almost instantly.
We also witnessed a display of professionalism and innovation on the part of the alternative press which outshines any media network that has ever existed. By cooperatively sharing resources, information and supporters the once “fringe” independent press has been able to grow into the primary information source for the average person.
Source: Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance
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