
Immigration Hurts American Employment

June 21, 2012

Facts mean very little in any debate about immigration north of the Rio Grande. One such example comes from a bastion of journalism, the Daily Beast. Arian Campo-Flores in an article, Why Americans Think (Wrongly) That Illegal Immigrants Hurt the Economy, cites an economist, Gordon Hanson in a 2005 paper.

“Hanson analyzed how the size of the undocumented population and its use of public assistance affected attitudes toward immigration. He found that among low-skilled workers, opposition to immigration stemmed mainly from the competitive threat posed by the newcomers. Among high-skilled, better-educated employees, however, opposition was strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worried them most, in other words, was the fiscal burden of immigration.”

The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration is minimal (about a one tenth of 1 percent gain in gross domestic product, according to Hanson).”

This last contention that adverse consequences are minimal, illustrates the withdrawal from reality of defenders for the latest Obama unconstitutional initiative to eliminate the rule of law.

Senor Campo-Flores needs to deal with the essentials of a report in the End of the American Dream, 10 Things That Will Happen If Barack Obama Continues To Systematically Legalize Illegal Immigration.

#1 There Will Be Fewer Jobs For American Workers

In the United States today, 53 percent of all college graduates under the age of 25 are either unemployed or underemployed. Many of them are absolutely desperate for work.

#2 Wages For American Workers Will Continue To Decline

When you have a lot more workers competing for the same number of jobs, what happens?

That is right – wages go down.

#3 Illegal Immigrants Will Overwhelm Our Welfare System

Every year, illegal immigrants receive tens of billions of dollars in welfare payments. They get free food assistance, free housing assistance, free health care benefits and free education for their children. Life is good if you are an illegal immigrant and you know how to game the system.

#4 Mexican Drug Cartels Will Establish A Presence In Nearly Every City In The United States

Mexican drug cartels continue to expand their influence inside the United States at a frightening pace. They are slowly taking over our communities. How far do things have to go before we say enough is enough?

#5 There Will Be Increasing “Anti-American Violence” Inside The United States

These days a lot of Americans are being attacked (and sometimes killed) down in Mexico.

#6 Massive Bribes Will Corrupt Our Judicial System

When there are billions of dollars involved, it is inevitable that some members of the police and some members of the judiciary will take bribes.

#7 Gang Activity Will Continue To Grow In The United States By Leaps And Bounds

Gang activity is absolutely exploding inside the United States.

#8 The Decline Of Our Health Care System Will Continue To Accelerate

Illegal immigrants are overwhelming emergency rooms all over the country. They walk in, receive high quality treatment and often never pay after they leave.

#9 Legalizing Illegal Immigrants Will Cause A Huge Shift In Voting Patterns

Instead of looking out for the American people, many Democrats support legalizing illegal immigration because it will give the Democratic Party more support at the polls.

#10 There Will Be A Flood Of New Illegal Immigrants

Amazingly, far more people move into the United States illegally than come in through the legal immigration process.

The structural aims of dismantling the mythical “melting pot”, into a hostile camp of alien factions is the vicious objective of the ruling class. Couched in the liberal minded attitude of progressive altruism, anyone who defends traditional values and prudent borders are condemned as the scourge of society.

If the big 10 breakdown aftermaths are not enough to push your blood pressure to a new level, why concern yourself about the economic fallout from the immigration highway to oblivion?

The provocative proponent for a coherent immigration policy, Frosty Wooldridge in What Illegal Immigration Costs You the Taxpayer, makes the point.

“The lifetime net fiscal drain—taxes paid minus services used—for an adult immigrant is $55,200.00 according to Carrying Capacity Network. Who makes that money up? You do! Your work! Your taxes!

With a minimum of 15 million illegal aliens in our country, these figures are the tip of the iceberg.

You can count on your corporations devouring cheap labor as they send you to the unemployment lines. Additionally, they pay PAC groups to keep senators and congressmen in their back pocket. How do I know? Virtually zero companies in 2011 were taken to court for hiring illegal aliens. None went to jail. However, it’s a $10,000.00 fine per illegal alien hired and up to five years in prison. You would think that would deter corporations. Not when they’ve bought off enforcement!”

The impoverishment of America and the massacre of the middle class is the conscious intent of an “Open Border” stratagem. As business conditions continue to deteriorate and employment options diminish further, the influx of illegal immigrants drives a stake in the fiber of a once viable country. Not all the bleeding heart empathy in the world can build prosperity in a sinking economy.

The political betrayal that allows the unremitting import of peasants only dilutes the standard of living of native-born citizens. President Obama wants to be a nobility bandit that steals from the Old Gringo. His arbitrary and capricious dictates, best explained in the “Fast and Furious” saga, drags down the vary tenants of a free society. How can commerce thrive when institutional corruption flourishes?American nationals deserve a better country. Illegal aliens have no moral claim on the earned wealth of ordinary workers. Lowering the standard of wages, adjusted for the true rate of inflation, is a guaranteed formula for a disaster. Government denial and enforcement avoidance of existing immigration statutes can only destroy what little respect that exists for political elites. Obama’s fiat decree is just the latest example of another nail in the coffin of the national body.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

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