
The Koch’s Secret Sauce

May 19, 2014

The Koch’s Secret Sauce – The Profit is in the Poisons 

(Sort of like those special spices in your Indian food!)

Of course, it is not likely Charles himself was hunkered down in the secret laboratory under his mansion in Wichita, Kansas.  But he certainly knew the formula.

Koch Truths and Green Fields Renewal will now reveal the actual content of the ugly substance which bubbled out of the broken pipe in Mayflower a little over a year ago. Notice, this information has been carefully sequestered by ExxonMobil.

Believe us, they have their reasons for this.

This sample of Wabasca Heavy was taken at the Suspected Source, (the pump station about 20 miles upstream from the Pegasus pipeline rupture). From there, it was sent by the USCG for analysis in Canada in June 2013, a few months after the Mayflower disaster. This is typical of what was in the pipe just before it ruptured.

Gas Chromatogram of Mayflower Suspected Source  – These are the fingerprints, what ExxonMobil has worked so hard to hide from the public and their victims.

Source: EPA/ ESTS

Above we see a hybrid Dilbit mixture, with virtually identical distribution of heavy hydrocarbon molecules (on the right) as we saw in the Wabasca Heavy sample in Part 1.

But this Secret Sauce has special additions. These new additions include the toxic BTEXs like benzene, a virulent carcinogen, and toluene, a neurotoxin.

And the concentration levels were very, very high in the Secret Sauce.

Would having know about this made a difference in treating the victims? Absolutely.

But then the evidence would also have been presented in court, an eventuality to be avoided at all costs, especially if those costs can be externalized to small children and other victims.

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