
Lifeboat USA – Sinking From Illegal Immigration

July 7, 2014

The epidemic of stupidity in the USA has risen to new heights with the widespread public, political and media support for the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America invading the country from Mexico. Those protesting the way the government is behaving are being attacked.

The narrative goes like this: Oh those poor children and mothers escaping incredibly awful conditions want nothing more than a decent life in the USA, and why not? After all we are a nation of immigrants. How could we deny giving these suffering kids and mothers a place in our nation? Never mind the legitimate sanctity of our borders.

A sure sign of disgraceful and all too frequent media bias is use of the terms “migrants” and “undocumented immigrants” instead of illegal immigrants.

But here is where the real stupidity comes in. What could amount to from 50,000 to 100,000 of these illegal immigrants crashing into our nation at considerable expense is nothing compared to the many millions of kids and mothers in many places globally also suffering admittedly terrible conditions. What about all those in Africa, the Middle East and the desperately poor in India, for example? Sadly, in all too many places, children with or without their parents are plagued by disease, violence, starvation, exploitation and abandonment.

So it is rational to ask: What if millions of people, both parents and children, seeking nothing more than a better life in the USA were to make it across any of our borders? Should we not also let them come in and stay? Are those from a few Central American countries intrinsically deserving of better treatment? Are some illegal immigrants more deserving than others?

Can any nation maintain sovereign self respect and ensure its own economic future by allowing huge numbers of illegal immigrants to enter and stay in its country? I say absolutely NO!

I want to see a nationwide grassroots uprising that vigorously protests what is now happening. More Americans need to envision a lifeboat that sinks into the ocean because more and more floundering, desperate people beg to be let into the lifeboat and the idiots already in the lifeboat acquiesce. So they all sink and perish. Welcome to Lifeboat America.

Here is an idea for the insanely barbaric Islamic radicals filled with hatred for the USA: Start to replace your many ideas on how to use violence to defeat the USA with plans to ship suffering kids and mothers by any means across any of our borders. Think big. Think in terms of sending a few million sufferers to the USA. Get them on boats and airplanes. Don’t use explosives on airplanes. Use the worst off kids and mothers instead. Finance their transport to the USA. Then sit back and watch Lifeboat USA sink.

Wake up Americans. This illegal immigration situation is not about compassion and humanitarian assistance. It is sheer illogical stupidity. If we do not rationally and intelligently control illegal immigration, we have no future for most Americans. Our political system is clearly dysfunctional. Too many politicians seek an advantage by being illegal immigrant friendly; too many people in the business sector want to ensure low cost labor.

We cannot expect immediate rational action from the two-party duopoly and greed driven oligarchy. Not unless many millions of Americans understand that illegal immigration is a life or death issue for the country they profess to love. A big picture, longer term perspective supports government policy that requires all new illegal immigrants be immediately sent back to their country of origin. Anything other than this creates widespread motivation in foreign countries and among those making money from transporting illegal immigrants to keep sending more and more illegal immigrants across our borders. What would stop this madness? The longer it goes on, the more difficult it becomes to stop it.

Joel S. Hirschhorn is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

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