
National Sins

December 7, 2008

Ignored and Festered…

American NativeWith great exuberance we are told by our media that we have elected our first Black President who is about to bring needed change to our nation. Naïve voters are filled with high expectations. The actions of the president-elect belie his promises. He is choosing cabinet members who have been active promoters of world government. Read about his choices here.

Paul Volker, his latest pick, is an ultimate insider, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve. In 1981 he created a recession by tightening the financial reins. This is a sure sign that Obama is a puppet for the establishment and that instead of bringing promised beneficial changes to the nation he will continue to push us toward the world government prison.

Race has now become an open issue in America. Blacks have a champion at the helm. They no longer need approval from White Americans. Their man now governs. The tail will now wag the dog more vigorously.

Over the past several decades we have heard volumes of rhetoric about the benefits of multiculturalism. It is a lie that may soon become tragically apparent.

Recently a leading Russian political analyst wrote that “United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts”. Professor Igor Panarin believes the collapse has already begun and that the dollar will be replaced as the world’s reserve currency with China or Russia becoming the world’s financial regulator. Panarin believes the nation will break up into six parts – “the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong”.

Several years ago Edgar Steele wrote that militant Mexicans could immediately expropriate South and Western portions of the United States that “stretch from the Pacific coastline across northern California, bisecting Nevada and Utah. The southwestern portion of Colorado will be included, along with much of Oklahoma and Western Texas. Arizona and New Mexico will go entirely”. Calling it “New Africa” he believes Blacks will gain control of “eastern Virginia and eastern North Carolina. All of South Carolina will go, together with all but the far northern reaches of Georgia and Alabama. All of Mississippi and Louisiana will be included, together with eastern Texas, southeast Arkansas and southwest Tennessee”. This would leave most of the North to White Americans who would then be in mortal danger in the rest of the country.

Races can be forced together and some will assimilate but it is an immutable truism that every race prefers its own. Miscegenation is an anomaly and multiculturalism is a dangerous fairytale.

White Americans won the Indian wars and our history books depict the Indians as savages. Our nation was built over their bodies and blood. My ancestors cleared and developed a farm in the mid-west on land that had been lived on, fought on and abandoned by various Indian tribes. As youngsters we regularly found the arrowheads used in intertribal wars and against the European invaders. During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries American Indian tribes were annihilated by more advanced and more powerful European settlers who like tyrannical governments sought total control. It was one of the world’s major genocides.

From the Fifteenth Century onward as European explorers discovered what is now North and South America their superior technology allowed them to steal wealth and land from domestic inhabitants. Avarice seemed to dominate their minds. They sought land and riches. Colonies were established and the original inhabitants of the land were pushed out or killed. At times land was purchased but the land value received usually outweighed the price paid.

To the derision of scoffers I have regularly maintained that human beings were not created to govern themselves and when they attempt to do so the result is always malignant. Libertarians attempt to deify the market and individual freedom. Fascism and Socialism deify the state. Democracies allow the opinion of the majority to tyrannize minorities.

We have been brainwashed into thinking of our government as a Democracy because voters can be easily manipulated by propaganda parroted by a controlled media. The Constitution that was meant to control our Republic is being ignored. It was crafted by men and it has been amended and ignored by men. Human systems of government are supported by human law and human law is erratic and always sinks into tyranny. In a Christian nation everything falls under God’s Law. There is separation of spheres of influence – the church, the family, the civil government – but all are bound by God’s Law which is immutable, righteous, and the source of peace and prosperity.

Some would argue that the United States was governed by God’s Law and to a certain extent they would be correct. Many of our laws were Biblical – some still are. Unfortunately, man was the determining factor in our legal system. Men decided to codify God’s Law and because it was not seen as being mandated by God it could be dismantled by men. God’s Law must be regarded as an unalterable, permanent mandate from God.

When Hilkiah the priest found the book of the Law and Shaphan the scribe read it to King Josiah, Josiah did not attempt to codify God’s Law instead he “tore his clothes” and ordered Shaphan to “Go, inquire of the Lord for me and the people of all Judah concerning the words of this book that has been found, for great is the wrath of the Lord that burns against us, because our fathers have not listened to the words of this book, to do all that is written concerning us”. 2 Kings 22:13

God’s Law is never to be mandated by the hand of His creatures. God, Himself, is the enforcer. Righteousness is not obedience to men but obedience to God. The widespread accusation that Christian Reconstructionists are attempting to force God’s Law on society is false. Christian Reconstructionists are waiting for the hearts of men to be infused with the Spirit that filled King Josiah. We are waiting for the world to hear God’s Law, to tear their clothes, and inquire of the Lord how His statutes might be rendered in His creation.

Citizens of the United States are witnessing the disintegration of our nation. It has happened more swiftly then one could have imagined. Our freedom is waning as the tentacles of world government are being wrapped around us and a fast building financial crisis threatens our stability. Take a few minutes and listen to the up to date facts.

Hear the words of the Lord to His servant Solomon at the dedication of the Temple. “And as for you, if you will walk before me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that I have commanded you and will keep My statutes and My ordnances, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, just as I promised to your father David, saying, ‘You shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.’ But if you or your sons shall turn away from following Me, and shall not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you and shall go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them, and the house which I have consecrated for My name, I will cast out of My sight. So Israel will become a proverb and a byword among all peoples”.

Now, gentle reader, can you understand why our nation is disintegrating? Can you see the arrogant sin that has followed us and our leaders almost from our inception? Can you understand the need to repent? Does 2 Chronicles 7:14 have a new meaning? “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

It is not only the oft lamented individual sins from which God seeks repentance but the sins of our fathers and our leaders that have disrupted and caused strife in His creation. Participants in the Christian religion have been culpable from the beginnings of our Republic. Most of us have rationalized our own sins as well as those of our ancestors. Gambling casinos for Indians may assuage our feelings but it does not relieve our guilt! The Marshall Plan for Europe and markets for Japan may bring some relief but the blood of millions of innocents is still on our hands.

An arrogant belligerence that characterized European colonialism has continued to be a part of the mentality of United States citizens. We have never been invaded but during the Twentieth Century we have financed and supported wars that have killed millions of soldiers and civilians. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people created in God’s image have died under our bombers. See the statistics for WWII here.

As our nation slowly disintegrates many of our citizens are supporting a war in the Middle East that was begun and has been sustained with false propaganda. Along with untold death and human suffering it has cost us our freedom, our financial integrity, our world image, and our last vestige of righteousness. It is our own sin, the sins of the United States of America and her citizens, that has created the danger of terrorism we now face.

At the largest church in our town, a 4,000 member Baptist Church, the long time head minister recently retired and was replaced by a man who shortly fired several subordinate ministers causing a split in the congregation. The confrontations were ugly and the responses of the new preacher tyrannical. As it turned out the new preacher had acted in a similar fashion at a previous pastorate. He was forced to resign and intends to start a new church with new followers. The followers of this new preacher have failed to discern the hideous sin involved in his actions. They have allowed it to be covered by qualities seen as more important.

Christian Pilgrims and Puritans settled on land where their rights were questionable. Once settlements were established, Indian claims were overlaid with the more pressing need to find land and homes for thousands of new settlers. At the frontier, Indians became terrorists and in spite of the fact that their lands were being stolen they were considered enemies. As time went by the European juggernaut advanced wiping out entire tribes. Through the erroneous pragmatic reasoning of a mob, killing the Indians, like leaving an established church with a profligate preacher, was considered righteous.

The Biblical description of God’s chosen people entering the Promised Land with instructions to annihilate its evil inhabitants has provided an impetus for repeating the process in other venues. It was a factor in the American Indian genocide and is an important factor in neo-Israel and its Evangelical supporters. Was it intended to be repeated? Nowhere in God’s Word is it mentioned as a repetitious event. Though King David was a man after God’s heart He was not allowed to build the Temple because he was a man of war.

God gave Moses the Law as an instrument of peace. His Son is known as the Prince of Peace. We worship a God who when obeyed will bring peace to His people and to His creation. Wars and conflicts are only righteous when they bring peace. The end does not justify the means!

Our history is replete with violations of Commandments Six, Eight, and Ten – murder, stealing, and covetousness. Settling on land that is occupied by others and killing them in a massive genocide is a sin. Engaging in wars that are contrived and are not threats to our security is a sin. Killing innocent civilians is a sin. United States citizens who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge our historic sins and who support our current wickedness are guilty before God of wanton sinful disobedience. Judgment begins at the house of God and God’s house in the United States is under judgment. That, gentle reader, is the reason our nation is slowly disintegrating.

The United States is in dire need of a king like Josiah and a people that follow. Deuteronomy 17:15 reads, “you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman”. Instead we have elected Senator Barack Obama. He and his followers may prove to be more like King Ahab.

The problem is in the hearts of our leaders and the hearts of our people. Hard, belligerent hearts must be replaced by soft repentant hearts that readily admit guilt and seek the Grace to change.

The Indian knew how to live without wants, to suffer without complaint, and to die singing.
Alexis de Tocqueville


Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

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