States Affirm Their Rights
March 13, 2009
On February 26, the South Carolina House adopted and sent to the Senate a bill to “affirm the rights of all states including South Carolina based on the provisions of the U.S. Constitution’s Ninth and Tenth Amendments, etc.”
In part it reads, “Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly declares that the people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State, and shall exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right pertaining thereto, which is not expressly delegated by them to the United States of America in the congress assembled; …”
This excerpt is according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Why are more than 30 states rushing to slam through this reaffirmation of their own constitutions and restating what already exists in the U.S. Constitution? The Washington Dragon is breathing down states’ necks — states are being forced to accept so-called “stimulus” monies which threatens to tighten Washington’s power and control over the states.
If we read the first Ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, the wording restricts the federal government from overreaching its power and control of the states. Much like God’s Ten Commandments, they contain “shall nots.” God’s commandments are “shall nots” to the people while the Constitution’s Amendments restrain the government. Yet beginning with the 1865 Thirteenth Amendment, six of the next seven amendments fundamentally change from “shall not” to expanding the power of the federal government at the expense of the states.
The piecemeal gain in power of Washington over the states is not new. For over 140 years, states have continuously ceded to federal mandates, regulations and laws with all the strings attached. Now in the middle of a national-global economic crisis, they’re waking up to what this has cost them and will cost our country in the future.
In Washington’s present climate, Pres. Obama and the democratic Congress are issuing policies left and right that border on illegal actions that do not conform to Constitutional limitations. Present spending policies by this president and Congress move us far beyond our nation’s Republic and concept of small government.
As Vice President Joe Biden told ABC News, “Opportunity presents itself in the middle of a crisis.” Self-evident is the Obama administration and democratic congress actively reshaping America into a socialistic country. Good-bye Republic, liberty and freedom.
In February, Pres. Obama, appealing on moral grounds, stated that the present U.S. leadership must pass his stimulus “for the future of our children and our grandchildren.”
In a rebuttal, co-authored by South Carolina’s Gov. Mark Sanford and Sen. Jim DeMint, they noted that Pres. Obama is burdening those same children and grandchildren with unimaginable and impossible future debt.
Even some Democrats are becoming hesitant about this spending spree that will have no immediate effect on the economy, if ever. The Government keeps blowing fire across our land, ignoring Constitutional laws and principles as the people watch their freedoms and liberties being seared in the breath of the Dragon’s fire.
Some governors have outright refused to take portions of Washington’s economic recovery plan — Gov. Mark Sanford is one. The so-called “stimulus” bill includes wording that “all states” must accept the monies from the Dragon breathing down their necks. If a governor doesn’t want to accept this money — then the state legislatures may go around the state’s governor.
This is clearly a violation of the U.S. Constitution and states’ rights.
Another question arises considering the states’ rebellion and the people’s active “tea party” protests taking place across the country. Private companies and banking institutions have been forced by Washington to accept money when they didn’t want or need it. Will the federal government expand its power and control, even declaring martial law, to enact and force the states and the people to cede to their unconstitutional laws?
Gov. Sanford believes that we are facing a major “crisis of American civilization.” He and Sen. DeMint are ridiculed for their constitutional stand. But many states, such as California, can’t wait to buckle under to federal requirements stretching into the next century.
If we ignore history and its lessons, we deserve failure. Founder James Madison had wise words for us: “Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.”
Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at and publishes on other online publications.
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