
U.S. Needs National Population Policy For Survival In 21st Century

March 21, 2009

Population GrowthThe citizens of the United States face a daunting dilemma in the 21st century: too many people, too little resources and running out of water.

In a compelling essay, Boyd Wilcox,, authored: “National Population Policy; Justified.”

“Although its establishment may be a difficult and complicated process,” Wilcox said, “the basic concept and reasons for existence are so simple, one might easily conclude that we have been brain-dead not to have done it much earlier.”

“It is the raw, gnawing, mind-numbing, relentless onslaught of anonymity; it is the essence of one’s being like a diminishing droplet in the sea of humanity; it is each snowflake in an avalanche pleading “not guilty.” Boyd Wilcox

“Two fundamental perspectives help clarify the obvious,” Wilcox said.  “The first has to do with simplicity. How many times do you hear people, from all walks of life, utter with sad resignation something like the following: “I just wish our lives were not so damned complicated.”

By increasing the size, each additional person ratchets up complexity by just being there and interacting with others in the group. These interactions are often cooperative, but can also be competitive or conflicting.

“A second perspective substantiating the need for a population policy extends to the nation, where we now have a group of 306 million individuals,” Wilcox said. “The sum total of each person’s contribution to both the size and complexity is what the nation is composed of and what drives the U.S. forward into the future. Is it reasonable to hope for a simpler existence under these circumstances?”

Wilcox explained, “National policies oversee major segments of our collective lives.  These policies are never questioned. But, they are important for the smooth functioning of our society.  Examples include transportation, commerce, health, labor, energy and education. They carry so much weight; we engage cabinet posts within the White House.

“Why is there no cabinet position for the category of national life that is at least as important as any of those mentioned above; that of demographics?  The size and complexity of our national population is the greater magnifier, the determinant of our common future. It operates as both a dependent and independent variable.  Understanding this leads inevitably to the need for a National Population Policy.”

As a dependent variable, population pressure interacts dynamically and synergistically with other factors that determine overall national quality of life.  With unending growth, each citizen matters less and less.

“The key words are dilution and alienation,” Wilcox said. “If we wanted to restore the original ratio between the House and constituents, instead of 435 members, we would need 8,700 members. This is how tragically diluted each individual’s affective political relationship has become at the federal level.  That dilution leads to alienation is obvious. Is it any wonder less than 50 percent vote in national elections? There is absolutely no credible argument that more people in the U.S serves to promote democracy. Cleary we must move toward a National Population Policy.”

We must engage the following objectives:

1.       A National Optimum Population Commission requiring a national debate and analysis; leading to legislative, educational and public-policy directives that would place us upon a long, multi-generational pathway to achieving a stable population at the level or range deemed sustainable for the long term.

2.       Establish presidential cabinet-level department of Population & Demographics.

a.       Population distribution in the USA.

b.       Immigration. This hot-button issue needs to be relegated to its proper place as a subsection of overall population pressure.  By doing that, the emphasis is taken away from being ‘anti-immigrant’ and converted to the more positive effort of crafting a policy that serves the national interest just like the policies of any other cabinet-level department.

c.       Global outreach.

d.       Citizenship and assimilation issues are extremely important, especially in a nation as large and diverse as the United States.  To ignore this is to invite a Balkanization of the nation; a process some observers feel is already underway. As we celebrate the strength that comes from diversity, we must also integrate and enhance those elements that provide common bonds; the bonds that hold the nation together and allow it to cope.

“It is absolute clear that we need a National Population Policy,” Wilcox said. “It not only is essential, relative to the other top cabinet positions in the executive branch of government, but it is deserving of special attention because it has been so summarily ignored. How much longer will these blinders obscure our vision and what will be the consequences for refusing to remove them?  Or is our ability to exercise choice in the matter obliterated by the already-attained size and complexity of our nation?”

Boyd Wilcox:

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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