
Steady State Economic Model Long Overdue In US

April 20, 2009

Economic ModelThe United States and most of the world’s trading nations find themselves in a self-imposed, suicidal feedback loop.  The economic model relied upon throughout the 20th century cannot and will not survive in the 21st century.

“What model?” you ask. Answer: capitalism’s unending growth, production, consumption and pollution without-end-model!

Today we discover water shortages, energy scarcity, climate change, bio-diversity in peril and a Pandora’s Box of accelerating reactions to humanity’s ‘overshoot’ upon this finite planet.

At the same time, humans keep pounding this planet with ever greater demands via hyper-population growth.  In the 21st century, that growth cannot continue.

Writer George E. Plumb, March 9, 2009, presented a sobering reality check: , “My Turn: new economic model helps Earth”.

Plumb said, “There is a very close relationship between the economic crisis we are facing, the many environmental problems stressing the Earth and population growth. It is time for a new economic model, one that better serves both the needs of people and the Earth.”

Plumb correctly exposed the root cause of our economic crisis stems from our myth that the economy can grow forever.  That myth becomes more critically unfeasible with cheap oil no longer cheap and/or available.

“The problem with the growth economy as an economic model is that it conflicts with the principles of physics and ecology,” said Plumb.  “There is a limit to economic growth, and there is mounting evidence that global economic growth is having negative effects on the long-term health of the environment, resulting in climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution of our air and water.”

Plumb took the words out of every environmentalist’s mouth.  We live on a finite planet with finite resources.  Oil, that incredible energy source, quickly fades in our rearview mirrors.

“Fortunately there is an alternative economic system: the steady state economy as first envisioned by economist Herman Daly,” said Plumb.  “The key features of a steady state economy are: (1) sustainable scale, in which economic activities fit within the capacity provided by ecosystems; (2) fair distribution of wealth; and (3) efficient allocation of resources. A steady state economy can be compared to a mature and healthy Vermont forest ecosystem where a wide variety of fauna and flora living in

healthy balance, but the volume is not growing.

“Leading the movement to transition to a different economy is the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy ( CASSE states that “Environmental protection, economic sustainability, national security, and international stability are all threatened by perpetually increasing populations and per-capita production and consumption.”

Joshua Farley, Ph.D., co-authored with Herman Daly in 2003 the book, Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications.  It’s worth every page reading it.

“How do we transition from our present growth economy to a steady state economy? Like any major change, this will require a paradigm shift,” said Plumb.  “The same fiscal policy tools that have been used to promote an economic

growth policy will need to be used to promote a steady state economy. We will have to gradually readjust the current spending, tax, interest rate, banking, regulation and trade policies that are set for growth.”

What can we do as individuals?  You may begin with and become part of a worldwide effort at the grassroots level as you engage in steady state economic activities: buy local, buy organic, vacation near home, limit consumption, grow your own food and can it and move toward green/conservation energy. In Colorado:

Plumb said, “According to an analysis of the Global Footprint Network’s ecological footprint data, U.S. bio-capacity — domestic surface area available to produce resources and assimilate waste — provides only 48 percent of our annual subsistence. Fifty-two percent is gained by importing bio-capacity, drawing down resource reserves and degrading habitat. It also calculates that to align population with actual domestic bio-capacity the United States could support only 147 million – 158 million less than today!”

George Plumb of Washington is a co-founder and president of Vermonters for a Sustainable Population and the author of the Disappearing Vermont report which documents with 50 indicators how Vermont’s environment is changing.

I applaud other writers for their work in raising steady state economics into the main stream.  Mike Folkerth, author of The Biggest Lie Ever Believed. Additionally, Dr. Brian Czech wrote Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train. Both promote a sustainable future for humans and fellow travelers.

In the coming decade, year by year, we face ever growing environmental confrontations.  The only way our civilization might survive stems from a paradigm shift which encompasses steady-state economics, along with “National Sustainable Population Policy”; “National Water Usage Policy”; “National Environmental Impact Policy.”

That includes a balance of human activity via conservation, and economic stasis.

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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