
Why Haters Hate

September 7, 2009

“Love thy neighbor as thyself”

Love thy neighbor“I just had psychic surgery performed on my knees by one of the top psychic surgeons in the Philippines.” How’s that for a fabulous lead sentence?

“Did it work?” you might ask. Who knows. I’m still in post-op recovery. But it was intense, almost like having two knee replacement operations without anesthetic. Well, maybe not that bad, but still. You had to have been there. It was intense.

There is a legendary psychic surgeon now living in the Philippines, Montsignor Marcos Orbito, who is descended from generations of psychic healers and is famous all over the world. At age 84, Montsignor Orbito is still actively healing people and is planning to speak at the 2009 Parliament of World Religions in Australia in December. And the man who operated on me has been training with Montsignor Orbito for his entire life.

My knee procedure took approximately 20 minutes. There may or may not have been chicken blood involved. My knees may or may not have gotten healed. But this experience, for me, was completely life-changing — in a way that had nothing to do with my knees.

“Before we begin,” said the psychic healer, “I would like you to read a few passages from the Bible.” Sure. “Read Mark 12:28-31.”

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” It was Jesus’ second commandment — one of a boxed set of two.

And while the healer was psychically cutting into my knees, it suddenly hit me. “That commandment is DEEP.” Loving one’s neighbor is hard. Then I vowed that when I got out of this surgery, I was going to bite the bullet, man up and actually start loving my neighbor — because this Commandment is the real key to world peace, which I desire even more dearly than actually possessing workable knees.

Then I had another revelation right there on the operating table. Love thy neighbor? Like thyself? Holy crap! “Before one can love one’s neighbor like oneself, one has to love oneself first!” That’s TOTALLY deep! It means that all those people who keep saying hateful things about others — like wingnut talk-radio hosts who spew hatred and fear and distrust, like racists, war mongers and even like CIA torturers, Al Qaeda and the Taliban — really ARE loving their neighbors as much as they love their own selves. People who hate others are only broadcasting to the world just how they feel about themselves. All those people who hate others? They must truly hate themselves even worse.

They must be following Jesus’ commandment to the letter. They must be loving their neighbors just as little as they love themselves.

“Sorry, Jane. There’s going to be no world peace for you — at least not until all the haters of this world can stop hating — stop hating themselves.”

Jane Stillwater is a regular columnist for
She can be reached at:

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  • Mel Hopkins

    You know how I found your blog?  Because I was looking for image for my blog post – and yours was the best google image that fit my content.  You know what I’m writing about – bingo I just had the same reveal today that you had back in 2009 – This commandment also reveals how people are loving themselves – #POW!!!  Now I understand how I was looking for love in all the wrong places…I was looking for love where none exist..

  • Mel Hopkins

    Oh one more thing?  How did the knee thing work out?
