
Iraq and Afghanistan

September 14, 2009

Two Purposeless Wars…

AfghanistanThe Vietnam War proved a complete waste of money, time and 58,300 American lives along with 350,000 horribly wounded. Subsequently, studies show between 150,000 to 200,000 American veterans eventually committed suicide from their war traumas. Additionally, Vietnam caused countless divorces and fatherless children as well as drug and alcohol abuse that ravaged hundreds of thousands of veterans. Several million Vietnamese died. After 10 years, we vacated Vietnam while accomplishing nothing.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson started the war with his contrived “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” that created his ‘reason’ for waging war against North Vietnam. In reality, that country suffered a civil war with no threat to the United States whatsoever. I remember my drill sergeant at Fort Benning barking at us, “We pledge our lives to Father Johnson for freedom. Now move out!” Johnson proved one of the most corrupt presidents in U.S. history. When he absorbed the enormity of his mistake, it broke him and he died a deeply depressed human being.

Forty years later, President George W. Bush started the Iraq War with his contrived “Weapons of Mass Destruction” charade that, thus far, killed 4,500 U.S. men and women along with 35,000 hideously wounded soldiers. He “shocked and awed” Afghanistan to stop al-Qaeda’s terrorist attacks while he left our southern border as open as a 24 hour mall—to any terrorist that wanted to waltz into the USA.

Eight years later, our kids serve and die in Iraq and Afghanistan without any purpose, no plan, no exit and no winning against those ancient civilizations. Even their own citizens want America out of their countries. The U.S. government espouses a continuing charade of fighting terrorism, but again, leaves America’s southern border open to one million unlawful aliens crossing annually.

Russia withdrew from Afghanistan after a bloody near-decade of killing its soldiers. For what? Answer: nothing!

Muslim culture sets the benchmark for violence against women and anyone outside that ancient religion. Tribal leaders behead, be-finger, hang and commit many types of barbaric savagery against their enemies.

After eight years, we lost more soldiers in Afghanistan this year than ever before. As we withdraw from Iraq, more bombs last month killed more people than ever before. Why? The people themselves battle one another for supremacy, i.e., Kurds, Sunni and Shiites. The same holds true for Afghanistan.

Last week, George Will said, “Genius sometimes consists of knowing when to stop.”

The United States remains a thorn in the side of world peace. We fight two “Purposeless Wars” for what? Answer: nothing! Except, a few folks make a lot of money!

At $12 billion per month expended for those wars, our Congress drives our civilization into a moral and financial black hole. No one wins or loses—everyone limps away.

Greg Dobbs, Evergreen, Colorado, said, “To retard al-Qaeda as we originally did is one thing. To burden ourselves with costly goals we cannot achieve is another. Now substitute Afghanistan for Iraq. It is their neighborhood, not ours, their culture, not ours, and their history, not ours.”

Michael Jacobs, Aurora, Colorado, commented, “As Kenny Rogers said, “Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em and know when to walk away.” Not to walk away at this point and explore other avenues of intervention of influence would be the ‘calamitous mistake’ that historians will take note of in years to come.”

R. Keifer, Arvada, Colorado, “Let us pack up, swallow the neo-cons’ false pride, and try to reclaim what’s left of our nation.”

Finally, “How many people do we intend to kill to obtain whatever is our objective in Afghanistan? The Soviet Union killed a million before leaving…the flight schools in Florida were the training camps that made the tragedy for 9/11 possible. And the individuals responsible were not even from Afghanistan—17 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians! What threat are these Afghanistans? That is one of the poorest nations in the world. They don’t have missiles, they don’t have nuclear weapons, no air force, they don’t even have a helicopter. What kind of threat to they pose to the U.S. that justifies killing them?”

I agree with George Will, “U.S. forces should be substantially reduced to serve a comprehensively revised policy: America should do only what can be done from offshore, using intelligence, drones, cruise missiles, airstrikes and small, potent Special units, concentrating on the porous 1,500 border with Pakistan, a nation that actually matters.”

Did you notice Will talked about securing Pakistan’s ‘porous’ border? How about President Obama and Congress securing our borders with our military troops?

In the final analysis, Iraq and Afghanistan must take care of their own civilizations and governing in their own ways according to their own cultures. Muslims abhor a republican form of government. Introducing highly sophisticated ‘democracy’ to ancient civilizations cannot and will not work no matter how many people stick their fingers into a bottle of dye and say, “I voted!” Already, in the elections last week with Karzi of Afghanistan, women suffered killings from death squads and Karzi’s supporters stuffed the ballot boxes with tens of thousands of bogus votes.

We must leave Iraq and Afghanistan today or tomorrow. The sooner the better! We cannot keep killing al-Qaeda because they replace themselves immediately. And, it’s their home. They will outlast us. The same would be true if anyone tried to invade the USA, we would defeat them because it’s our country. As a wise Japanese general said during WWII: “We cannot invade America; there is a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

As I said before, staying in Iraq and Afghanistan reminds me of sticking a hand in a pail of water. While in the water, the hand creates change. But once the hand withdraws, the water returns to its original condition. Whether we leave in a year or 10 years or vacated those countries five years ago, it would all return to an ancient culture. Just like Vietnam! In all, three purposeless wars caused enormous death, suffering, cost and global instability. It’s time for the U.S. to pursue the “peace option.”

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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  • wbolt

    This individual obviously fell off their bike a few times. (Without a helmet)
    War is an extension of the political bearing, direction and focus of the individual country per Sun Tzu – The Art of War. Sun Tzu also advocates that once the political direction and objective is determined, the politicians get out of the way and the military performs it trained mission with swift and decisive strokes (Desert Storm & Shock and Awe). The error Johnson made was not in trying to contain the expansion efforts of the evil empire of communism (a political objective of the cold war and hopefully of the rational thinking individuals today), but in his foolish assumption he could run a war better than the Pentagon and in a fictitious belief that anyone can fight a limited war with geographical restrictions that harbor the enemy.
    Incidently, President Johnson could not initiate war and wage war independent of Congressional knowledge, so let’s not isolate the folly of Vietnam on one individual. Much the same, our country….not just President Bush has felt it necessary to thwart the efforts of terrorist and radical Islamics by taking the fight to the countries that harbor these demons of a free and honest society. (Please tell me you remember 9/2011).
    Had you rather fight them here on American soil on your little bike??? Maybe a little “ringy” bell on the handle bars would scare them back to the hole they crawled out of to kill innocent, yes innocent women and children in the name of a religion that is skewed and will not chastise these mongrels for the sins against all mankind. It is hard for us to fathom that anyone that is sane and “religious” would not condemn these terrorist acts. We would expect a religious organization to form an offensive to rid their internal ranks of the misguided individuals. Or maybe they just quietly agree with their tactics and preach this tyranny from their cleric pulpits. These radicals have perverted the Islamic doctorine to advocate that we are just infidels that can be lied to unabashedly; they are taught to disrespect women and their rights as humans, sexually perverted up to and including 72 young virgins to do as they will in the afterlife and kill us with no condemnation from their religious teachings. Our bible teaches a much different respect for people, honesty to all, love and respect for women similar to our love for god and commandments for lawful living which are in confluence with the Radical Islamic doctrine. We are taught to manage our own renegades and our bible teaches the sins of omission are as great as the sins of commission. I am just stating these facts to help you understand the difference in the two sides of this conflict, and just how misguide these Islamic radicals are and how unrealistic it is to think we allow them to roam the earth freely and not expect them to lash out and ill our women and children when given the chance.
    We as real Americans have a strong tendency to project our internal belief and value system onto other cultures. This is a very noble and seemly educated approach, but others in our world are not schooled nor will ever adopt our views on the sanctity of life, the freedom to make our own decisions or the God given blessing of freedom and independence. Most regimes throughout history practiced the art of man’s inhumanity to man and the tyranny of iron fisted rule denying freedom to others to strengthen their own power base. Very few leaders are classified as benevolent dictators. Very few!!!!!!! This is the world we live in and most of the world has not progressed beyond the tribal mindset. In this world we have the solemn and noble responsibility to protect our children, our grand children and the future of every American citizen from the abolishment of our freedoms from jealous and spiteful enemies. You must know your enemy and study his philosophy to understand his tactics and objectives. We all don’t worship the one true God who has taught us as a people the proper respect for individuals created in his image.
    The problem today as in the Vietnam error is we have not allowed our troops to finish the job quickly and thoroughly. Once again we are regionally limiting our troops with the inability to pursue these vermin into their homes. This war you blame on President Bush, was voted on by all our congressional leadership with the facts at hand. Yes WMD elimination was a clear cut objective and evidence was not found to support these premise. Without this objective, the motivation of America to fight would have been much more difficult to accomplish; however, is not the ideal of a free Muslim democracy in the Mideast a utopian concept. The idea that an entire nation in an area virtually void of free thought and expression can be lifted from tyranny and saved from genocide from tyrannical dictator that patterned his like intentionally after Adolf Hitler, murdering millions of women and children as well as his entire political adversary organization on his first day of taking control of the country. Is that not a noble enough cause for the United States to rally around and fight to the death. This cause was worthy of a fight, especially if it helped protect our homeland from terrorist attack (no homeland attacks since 9/11). President Bush and our Congress acted under very patriotic and lofty goals of abolishing the world of a demonic leader and mass murderer; let us give some credit for having the intestinal fortitude to move in that direction. Leaders can only act under the intelligence gathered by the professional organizations charged with gathering that information. If you knew differently at the time, maybe you should have stepped forward and spoken up. Or rode our little bike to Iraq and investigated the lay of the weapon landscape. The failure of our CIA to have the appropriate information can clearly be laid at the feet of the Clinton Administration for emasculating our intelligence community. The investigation our present administration is pursuing will no doubt have a similar chilling effect and render us making decisions with opaque vision into to world problem of epic proportion. Yes it would be very nice if we could put political posturing aside, learn from our previous mistakes and make wise decisions that are based on the security and longevity of our great nation. Unfortunately we have too many politicians that feel our fragile freedom is indestructible and they can profiteer, posture and selfishly rule without jeopardizing our future as a free country and a beacon of light for the entire world. If only we could see what is best for our country and pursue those goals rather than compromising our security and burdening our future generations with unnecessary debt. Debt that is only secured by our ability to defend our country (we are not on the gold standard) and our ability to attract foreign investors and selling off our beloved county one Treasury Bill at a time. We been fiscally irresponsible for years and sadly we are accelerating the pace of indebtedness based on unnecessary legislation that is purely based on the personal arrogance and need to inflate one’s personal celebrity status with misguided legislation. Our leaders should focus on the growth of our economy, winning the war in Afghanistan and revising our healthcare plans to save every dime possible and not expanded the irresponsible spend, spend, spend policies that will undermine our children future and weaken this nation internally in much the same the Invincible Roman Empire decayed. The direction we are headed is by far worse than liberating a nation being suppressed and murdered by a factious dictator.
    I have apologized to my children for our inability to turn over a country as strong and uncorrupt as our parents gave us. Truly our parents were they greatest generation……….it appears that we are destined to be the worst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • wbolt

    This individual obviously fell off their bike a few times. (Without a helmet)
    War is an extension of the political bearing, direction and focus of the individual country per Sun Tzu – The Art of War. Sun Tzu also advocates that once the political direction and objective is determined, the politicians get out of the way and the military performs it trained mission with swift and decisive strokes (Desert Storm & Shock and Awe). The error Johnson made was not in trying to contain the expansion efforts of the evil empire of communism (a political objective of the cold war and hopefully of the rational thinking individuals today), but in his foolish assumption he could run a war better than the Pentagon and in a fictitious belief that anyone can fight a limited war with geographical restrictions that harbor the enemy.
    Incidently, President Johnson could not initiate war and wage war independent of Congressional knowledge, so let’s not isolate the folly of Vietnam on one individual. Much the same, our country….not just President Bush has felt it necessary to thwart the efforts of terrorist and radical Islamics by taking the fight to the countries that harbor these demons of a free and honest society. (Please tell me you remember 9/2011).
    Had you rather fight them here on American soil on your little bike??? Maybe a little “ringy” bell on the handle bars would scare them back to the hole they crawled out of to kill innocent, yes innocent women and children in the name of a religion that is skewed and will not chastise these mongrels for the sins against all mankind. It is hard for us to fathom that anyone that is sane and “religious” would not condemn these terrorist acts. We would expect a religious organization to form an offensive to rid their internal ranks of the misguided individuals. Or maybe they just quietly agree with their tactics and preach this tyranny from their cleric pulpits. These radicals have perverted the Islamic doctorine to advocate that we are just infidels that can be lied to unabashedly; they are taught to disrespect women and their rights as humans, sexually perverted up to and including 72 young virgins to do as they will in the afterlife and kill us with no condemnation from their religious teachings. Our bible teaches a much different respect for people, honesty to all, love and respect for women similar to our love for god and commandments for lawful living which are in confluence with the Radical Islamic doctrine. We are taught to manage our own renegades and our bible teaches the sins of omission are as great as the sins of commission. I am just stating these facts to help you understand the difference in the two sides of this conflict, and just how misguide these Islamic radicals are and how unrealistic it is to think we allow them to roam the earth freely and not expect them to lash out and ill our women and children when given the chance.
    We as real Americans have a strong tendency to project our internal belief and value system onto other cultures. This is a very noble and seemly educated approach, but others in our world are not schooled nor will ever adopt our views on the sanctity of life, the freedom to make our own decisions or the God given blessing of freedom and independence. Most regimes throughout history practiced the art of man’s inhumanity to man and the tyranny of iron fisted rule denying freedom to others to strengthen their own power base. Very few leaders are classified as benevolent dictators. Very few!!!!!!! This is the world we live in and most of the world has not progressed beyond the tribal mindset. In this world we have the solemn and noble responsibility to protect our children, our grand children and the future of every American citizen from the abolishment of our freedoms from jealous and spiteful enemies. You must know your enemy and study his philosophy to understand his tactics and objectives. We all don’t worship the one true God who has taught us as a people the proper respect for individuals created in his image.
    The problem today as in the Vietnam error is we have not allowed our troops to finish the job quickly and thoroughly. Once again we are regionally limiting our troops with the inability to pursue these vermin into their homes. This war you blame on President Bush, was voted on by all our congressional leadership with the facts at hand. Yes WMD elimination was a clear cut objective and evidence was not found to support these premise. Without this objective, the motivation of America to fight would have been much more difficult to accomplish; however, is not the ideal of a free Muslim democracy in the Mideast a utopian concept. The idea that an entire nation in an area virtually void of free thought and expression can be lifted from tyranny and saved from genocide from tyrannical dictator that patterned his like intentionally after Adolf Hitler, murdering millions of women and children as well as his entire political adversary organization on his first day of taking control of the country. Is that not a noble enough cause for the United States to rally around and fight to the death. This cause was worthy of a fight, especially if it helped protect our homeland from terrorist attack (no homeland attacks since 9/11). President Bush and our Congress acted under very patriotic and lofty goals of abolishing the world of a demonic leader and mass murderer; let us give some credit for having the intestinal fortitude to move in that direction. Leaders can only act under the intelligence gathered by the professional organizations charged with gathering that information. If you knew differently at the time, maybe you should have stepped forward and spoken up. Or rode our little bike to Iraq and investigated the lay of the weapon landscape. The failure of our CIA to have the appropriate information can clearly be laid at the feet of the Clinton Administration for emasculating our intelligence community. The investigation our present administration is pursuing will no doubt have a similar chilling effect and render us making decisions with opaque vision into to world problem of epic proportion. Yes it would be very nice if we could put political posturing aside, learn from our previous mistakes and make wise decisions that are based on the security and longevity of our great nation. Unfortunately we have too many politicians that feel our fragile freedom is indestructible and they can profiteer, posture and selfishly rule without jeopardizing our future as a free country and a beacon of light for the entire world. If only we could see what is best for our country and pursue those goals rather than compromising our security and burdening our future generations with unnecessary debt. Debt that is only secured by our ability to defend our country (we are not on the gold standard) and our ability to attract foreign investors and selling off our beloved county one Treasury Bill at a time. We been fiscally irresponsible for years and sadly we are accelerating the pace of indebtedness based on unnecessary legislation that is purely based on the personal arrogance and need to inflate one’s personal celebrity status with misguided legislation. Our leaders should focus on the growth of our economy, winning the war in Afghanistan and revising our healthcare plans to save every dime possible and not expanded the irresponsible spend, spend, spend policies that will undermine our children future and weaken this nation internally in much the same the Invincible Roman Empire decayed. The direction we are headed is by far worse than liberating a nation being suppressed and murdered by a factious dictator.
    I have apologized to my children for our inability to turn over a country as strong and uncorrupt as our parents gave us. Truly our parents were they greatest generation……….it appears that we are destined to be the worst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
