Can We Endure Another Bush?
May 17, 2010
One or more may be on the way…
Laura Welch Bush, wife of George W. Bush, former President of the United States and perpetrator of the unprovoked invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, has published a book entitled “Spoken from the Heart”. Lyric Winik, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton, brilliant daughter of a New Jersey Republican wonk, James Wallwork, helped put it “into words”. A New York Times review describes the book as consisting of two parts. The first, about her early life in 1950s Texas which is vivid, detailed (including the car crash), and forthright and a second section about her role in the Bush presidency which is guarded and superficial.
She has been granted royal treatment by the press and media with favorable interviews on Oprah, Larry King, and C-Span as well as the usual array of book signings and local press coverage..
Her husband’s book, “Decision Points”, is expected out this Fall. Chris Michel, a Yale grad and long time Bush speech writer, assisted former president George W. Bush. He describes his role this way: “Though involved in the creative process of composition, the speech writer is a mere conduit for the ideas, and even speech patterns, of his employer.”
Sarah Palin received a reported $5 million advance from Harper Collins for her book “Going Rogue” is rumored to have collaborated with Palin. Vincent is silenced by contract. Palin was mysteriously selected for special consideration and future participation in government. Already she is beholden to esoteric powers that offer easy access to enablement.
Book publishing provides a vehicle for favorable publicity that appears to be offered at pivotal points to special individuals. While thousands of writers are busy putting words on paper hoping their labors might be seen and read by the public, reputable publishing houses provide immediate service to selected individuals; ghost writers are provided and the product of their labor receives immediate attention. Their books are finished in months rather than years and are brought to the market with pomp and ceremony. Coordinated publicity involving the press, television, movies, magazines, and books is enabled by a compliant ownership in the hands of a tiny group of like minded individuals.
George W. Bush left the presidential office with one of the lowest approval ratings in history and since the Bush family is a political family his reputation tarnished his relatives. I believe that reputation is being intentionally repaired.
Former Florida Governor John Ellis (Jeb) Bush is a very smart, laid back, politician who left the Florida office with a favorable reputation. He completed a degree in Latin American Studies at University of Texas in Austin in two and a half years and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. His wife, Columba, is a naturalized citizen. She is the daughter of a migrant Mexican worker and met Jeb Bush in Mexico while he was teaching an English class as an exchange student.
Former President George H. W. Bush is personable and well liked as an individual. His son, former President George W. Bush, has a similar reputation with close associates. Jeb is smarter and appears to have a more confident demeanor. All of the Bush boys have been raised with the trappings of power and privilege. Jeb’s first job was an assistant to Ben Love the Chairman of Texas Commerce Bank. James Baker, a family friend, got him the job. He later moved to Florida where he went to work for another family friend, wealthy Cuban, Armando Codina, in the real estate business. He did well.
The siblings of brothers George and Jeb have had brushes with the law. Here and here. Alcohol and drugs have created problems but they seem to have worked them out. Jeb’s second term as governor of Florida set a precedent for Republican governors none of whom had previously enjoyed two terms. His victories were by substantial margins and he did well with Cuban and Jewish voters.
I believe we will see both Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin in the political arena in 2012. Palin is already popular in tea party circles and Jeb Bush would not only draw the Cuban and Jewish vote but he would be a prime attraction for Mexican voters as well. The push for citizenship for millions of illegal Mexicans might provide a big boost to a Bush Republican ticket. Early in his administration George W. Bush visited with former Mexican President Vincente Fox, an antecedent to massive Mexican migration. Jeb’s family connection and George’s enablement should enhance a Bush candidacy. Laura Bush is already polishing the family image and George W’s literary contribution will be highly touted in the press and media resulting in a redeemed popular image for the Bush dynasty paving the way for yet another Bush to vie for high office.
They are all globalists. Jeb was a contributor to the Project for the New American Century, an arrogant call for American empire flavored heavily with Zionism. George H. W. Bush was the first high level overt supporter of a new world order and George W. Bush was careful to bring the United Nations umbrella over his illegal invasions in the Middle East. Jeb Bush recently condemned the new Arizona immigration laws.
Resistance to the loss of freedom in United States has been marked by anti-homosexual and anti-abortion protests. It has been a defensive battle fought by Pietistic Christians and Anarchic Libertarians who have worked with commendable vigor to secure obedience to our Constitution and elect compliant politicians. While all this defensive maneuvering has been going an international legal system has been encoded that will enforce world government. It has already been done. It will not be just United States authorities that will bring charges but world authority as well; we are already seeing it in Arizona where international representatives of the United Nations are challenging a United States domestic statute as illegal under U. S. endorsed international law. As these laws begin to exert pressure on our society Americans will begin to understand the key role law plays in the conduct of our affairs. Hundreds of international laws have been peacefully encoded. They are just beginning to be enforced. Antinomian Christians are defenseless against this onslaught. Christians have been fighting rats while unopposed termites have been devouring the structure!
On February 17, 1950, speaking before the United States Senate, Paul Warburg said, “We will have world government whether we like it or not”. Sixty years later it appears he may have been right. We may not like it but we are moving quickly in that direction! If the current financial crisis culminates in an international currency the dye will be cast.
Jeb Bush’s laid back approach might work well if the yoke of world government is to be peacefully imposed on our independent society. Time will tell.
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
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