
Are Elections Pertinent?

November 7, 2010

Past Republican Landslides Have Not Been…

votingMid-term elections are over and angry voters did what was expected of them; they threw the bums out and elected another set of bums.  Preparations are now underway to gain victory for a “Tea Party” candidate in the coming presidential election.

The two party political division evolved from a basic disagreement among the Founders of our nation.  One group wanted powerful centralized government and the other sought limited government with a dispersion of power.  The latter group lost the battle.  Our government is severely overweight and efforts to reduce through diet have been stymied by the Federal Reserve that provides unlimited fat-rich food.  Morbid governmental obesity now threatens our health.

A friend and mentor was fond of proclaiming that political candidates are always flawed because a person who seeks to govern his fellow citizens has an unhealthy urge for power.  It was his opinion that better candidates could be found in those who do not seek to govern.  Shakespeare seemed to confirm my friend’s opinion:  “Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.”

The process is indeed loathsome; brimming with mendacious promises and outrageous accusations.  Opposing candidates fight like pit bulls.  Anything short of murder is fair play.  Character is impugned, families are maligned, actions are distorted, and good is described as evil.  Though the rhetoric is not fit for polite conversation voters have become inured to the lies and vilifications.  Scandalous fantasies seem to pick human interest.

In 1800 the Jefferson camp called John Adams a “repulsive pedant” and “a hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman”.  Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward who had sired five children by his slave, Sally Henning. Jefferson was elected.

During the “Adams/Jackson campaign Andrew Jackson was pilloried as “Jackass Jackson” and his wife was accused of bigamy.  The jackass became the symbol for the Democratic Party and the bigamy charge was, for a time, valid.  Jackson, a war hero and Indian killer, was elected.

Two party politics has no Constitutional foundation.  Controversy does not produce truth and acrimony does not contribute to good government.  Party politics inserts a layer of detrimental responsibility that interferes with the proper pre-eminence of national interest.

As previous bums leave and newly elected bums prepare to begin business the political hopeful are relieved and eager to see positive change.  Ron Paul and his son Rand are going to tackle the Federal Reserve and a Republican congress will bring restraint to the nation.  Unfortunately these political hopefuls have not come to grips with reality.  Both the President and Congress are under orders.  The policies of the shadowy bosses will not change.

Two things are happening:  Obama and Bush are both being resurrected by the media.

Amid the sensational titillations of lesbianism, homosexuality, and sexual abuse, the Bush family has been featured on Oprah Winfrey’s Show: joined by the two charming Bush daughters, Jena and Barbara, Laura did her stint following publication of her book and Dubya (Damn right torture is effective!)  with his new book is next on the list.  Former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, made a brief congratulatory appearance at the crowning of new Republican prince, Marco Rubio (A Jeb Bush protégé, he will disappoint his Conservative backers! )   He has been keeping a low profile but I believe the Bush family resurrection is designed to get Jeb back on the political scene – maybe as a presidential candidate.

Obama has two years left in his term.  He has been a loyal servant and done the unpopular dirty work his handlers require.  Now, the obedient media will begin to resurrect his image giving him a chance for re-election in 2012.

I am always amazed at the naivety of contemporary Christian leaders.  In spite of the fact that very few have bothered to address the issues that threaten their very existence some of these foolish individuals are worried that the few that do are damaging the “cause of Christ” (What is the cause of Christ?).

I receive regular book offers by email from the Nicene Council.  Heading up the latest was a book entitled “Christians & Conspiracies”.  The book is attributed to “The Research and Education Foundation”.  I could not identify the author.  This is how the book was reviewed:

You know him! At one time he was a diligent student of God’s Word. But a few years ago a book, video, radio show or a web page on conspiracies got his attention. Ever since, his Bible has been progressively neglected in favor of chasing down a new thread in his theory. His speech is no longer edifying because the main thing that comes out of his mouth is his take on the latest Luciferian scheme to take over the US government and the world. And if you don’t agree with his new focus you are naïve, a fool, or perhaps even complicit.”

“The Research and Education Foundation have produced a thought-provoking documentary that addresses this growing problem. The Christian and Conspiracies explores the scope and psychology of conspiracy theories and demonstrates how an emphasis on them is a denial of God’s sovereignty, an elevation of the Serpent and his Seed, and, in the end, does damage to the cause of Christ.”

There is a common assumption that Evangelical Christians are the culprits in supporting Israel and the War on Terrorism.   Evangelicals out number Reformed Christians but they are not the only problem.  Reformed Christians are deluded as well.  Some Reformed Christians support the mendacity loaded, pre-emptive war in the Middle East and as a result have an axe to grind with others that believe it is one of the causes of the Judgment of God on the United States.

I would agree with the anonymous scribe that those who are unable to discern a world-wide conspiracy are naïve and foolish but “complicity” is ridiculous.  Since they are too deluded to defend God’s righteousness it would be unlikely they could muster the gumption to conspire to conquer the world!

The tragedy in all this is that the Judgment of God against our nation is coming in the form of a conspiracy and if they can’t understand the conspiracy they can’t recognize God’s judgment.   Unfortunately these Christian leaders are still supporting foreign wars and political change, they are still puffed up with patriotism, the flag, the Constitution, and supporting the mechanics and individuals that make up the armies of our empire.  There is no room left for sack cloth and ashes.

Theology is related to Christianity in the same way a the Constitution is related to government.  When theology is unsound or ignored Christianity becomes a maelstrom of confusion unable to produce righteousness.  When the Constitution is flawed or misinterpreted the result is a similar condition in government.  When both conditions exist simultaneously as they do now in United States the result is chaotic.

Righteousness exalts a nation and the Christian Church is supposed to be its guardian.  When evil is allowed to progress unchallenged as it has in the United States the church falls under judgment.  Chaos is a form of judgment; tyranny is too.

The antidote for judgment is confession and repentance.

We are not even close.

Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

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