Haiti Represents Easter Island’s Fate In 21st Century: Demographic Obesity
November 11, 2010
While we send billions in aid to Haiti, we fail to understand their enormous population dilemma that will not be cured by food, water and tents. That tiny island holds over 9.5 million people. They cut 98 percent of their trees. They flush 90 percent of their waste into the ocean. Within several decades, they expect to add another 3.0 million to their already overpopulated island.
What can’t they or we see as Haiti parallels the infamous people of “Easter Island” that overpopulated themselves into extinction? What don’t we understand what’s happening to India, China, Mexico, America and Bangladesh?
Dr. Jack Alpert tells us the sobering details. He can be found at www.skil.org . Ph.D. Education, Stanford University, 1982;
MS Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1975; BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1968.
“Of course there is no short answer to the question “Why normal people don’t understand the overpopulation predicament and respond to it?” said Alpert. “Most normal drivers, in a car racing toward a post, change course. The two predicaments have much in common.
“This discussion group is Jay’s sad box. (Jay writers on overpopulation) His guests should not poop in it. But I am not sure, at least from my research, that we fully know how the human brain computes behaviors or changes the algorithms by which it computes them.
“I don’t think Jay has implied that there is NO view of reality that would move people from one behavior to another. He has only documented that historically it hasn’t happened. Or if an instance happened, the view never over-powered the people that did not hold it. He reported that there is no residue of that view’s appearance in any civilization’s artifacts. And he cited research that shows how minds that have not been rewired (debugged) consistently make errors in judgment. But all this truth does not infer that “no one ever made” or that “it is impossible to make” better cognitive connections. This work is not proof that no one could ever present the human predicament in a powerful enough way to allow an individual to understand it and with other converts produce a human experiment course change.
“Haiti may be a poster child for the human experiment going bad. Maybe that makes it the potential poster child for what can happen.
“Haiti appears to be a community that does not have a way out of its present course to oblivion other than depopulation. (rapid population decline-Rapid Population Decline- through extremely low birthrates.)
“That Haitians, immersed in the trouble don’t see this truth, and that Haiti watchers don’t see this truth, and that Haiti helpers don’t see they are really not reducing suffering by their actions, all fall into Jay’s description that people are not wired up to see the reality that exists. But that by itself does not mean that there is no way for some of the Haitians to make a transformation to being able to see the predicament, identify the behaviors that would unwind it, and get themselves and others to take it, even if it is the bitter pill of RPD. The path is hard, without precedent, but not impossible.
“Consider this experiment. Assume that a very rich person bought daily time on all radio and TV stations, they bought signage on all cabs, busses and billboards. And on these media the got Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Bob Marley’s equivalent, and a dozen other attention getters to all chant the same story:
Haiti’s terrible conditions will get worse as energy costs rise.
Haiti will reproduce the civilization crash that happened on Easter Island.
This crash is not a “maybe” in 100 years into the future but an almost “certainty” in the
next 10-20 years.
The outside world will not help the people of Haiti in their problems.
In fact, as the other 7 billion people gobble up the earth’s shrinking resource base for
themselves, they could even purchase the island’s small production leaving nothing for
the poor locals.
The only way to not have injured children is to not have them.
If this is truth, it becomes appropriate for the majority to impose an RPD program on
themselves and the objecting minority to avoid this hardship.
“The questions that remain are. “Is there any program that can convey this example message to the people of Haiti? Can they be made adequately fearful of the future to change course, in the same context as the post ahead of the car driver, compels him or her to change course? Can RPD be made to appear as the only reasonable action? Can a majority implement it?
“It follows, that, If there is potential for an RPD program for the island of Haiti whose problems are most apparent, then there is a potential for an RPD program on the island earth.”
Alpert speaks not only to Haiti’s predicament, but to America’s, Canada’s, Mexico’s, China’s, Bangladesh’s, India’s and most other overpopulated countries. While, many cannot ‘see’ what happening, and, in fact, deny it—the population equation via ‘exponential growth’ cannot be sustained on a finite planet. Dr. Albert Bartlett vividly shows it at his website www.albartlett.org
William Ryerson shows it at www.populationmedia.org ; also Dave Paxson at www.worldpopulationbalance.org and www.NumbersUSA.org
We cannot continue operating in the 21th century with a 20th century mindset guaranteed to collapse not only Haiti into another Easter Island, but the United States and all other overpopulated countries facing Peak Oil, Peak Water and Peak Resources.
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.
He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website: www.frostywooldridge.com
Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
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