
Why I Am An Abolitionist

November 8, 2011

The long-awaited guardianship reform bill by U.S. Senator Klobuchar, S.1744, the “Guardian Accountability and Senior Protection Act,” has been published and is available for public scrutiny. However, Senator Klobuchar is failing to take into account the factors contributing to guardianship abuse, and her bill fails to address the salient issues going to the heart of guardianship corruption. The two reports herein linked reveal the impossibility of reforming guardianship. The first article indicates that the... Read article

GAO Pushes to Share Incapacity Declarations of Veterans and Disabled

October 8, 2011

A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the heated topic of adult guardianships advocates for removing certain long- established privacy protections and has caused a temblor in the guardianship reform movement. The GAO report in question, entitled “Incapacitated Adults: Oversight of Federal Fiduciaries and Court Appointed Guardians Needs Improvement” (GAO 11-678), made two recommendations which would in essence violate existing privacy laws. The first recommendation was welcome, according to guardianship... Read article

Our Spiritual Leadership Stumbles and Falls

August 14, 2011

A Lesson in Betrayal and Trust… The world is standing at a crossroads.  Many believe that the world has, in fact, already chosen its path and has now tunneled deep into the darkness.  Like many who are working to bring to light the truth of our collective predicament, I prefer to believe there is still time for corrective action, and that the headlong rush towards self destruction can be reversed. In order for this to take place, the disturbing and deplorable facts about what we are going up against need to be... Read article

The IRS Covers up Reports of Public Guardian Tax Fraud

August 13, 2011

A report has gone into the IRS alleging that the Riverside County Public Guardian has committed tax fraud, in concert with the Riverside CPA firm of Christenson and DeGood.   And it now appears that the IRS is covering for the Public Guardian The report alleging tax fraud was submitted nearly two months ago and refers to attempts by the PG to shift the liability of the tax burden for income to a Trust   onto a beneficiary. The IRS Code is clear on who pays the taxes on trust income. IRS Code 641 b states that: “(b)... Read article

Public Guardian to Expand Powers to Seize Assets

August 5, 2011

AB 1288, which  is now in front of the California Legislature,   would expand the time frame in which the Public Guardian’s office could take control of an elder’s assets, prior to filing for conservatorship over that individual. Now hold on a minute. Does this bill actually state that the Public Guardian can come in and take over assets without a guardianship being in place? How in the world can that be allowed? Well, the law authorizing this is already on the books, as Probate Code 2900, which allows the PG to... Read article

Access Denied: Judicial Reform Activist William Windsor Deemed “Vexatious Litigant”

July 24, 2011

Judicial reform mover and shaker Bill Windsor was declared a “vexatious litigant”  last week by a federal judge who is named as a defendant in a case where  Windsor is a plaintiff. Windsor, who is something of an “urban legend” in the legal reform community, was knocked out of the court in a hearing on July 15 in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia. According to the order issued by Judge Thomas Thrash, Windsor may not file suit in any court within the U.S. without federal judicial... Read article

Living in (and through) The Poison Century

July 10, 2011

Speaking on conditions of anonymity, an ex-DEA agent recently disclosed that the CIA did an aerial spray in California back in the fifties as part of a behavior modification experiment.  The ex-DEA agent, former County Sheriff and one time California  “super-cop” stated that the end  result of the chemical exposure was a breakdown in normal human bonding behavior, feeding into  what is often typified as the “Californication complex.” Given the pervasiveness of what may have first evidenced in California... Read article

Rense Steps up to the Plate, Runs Guardianship Interview

July 4, 2011

On June 29, six days after an article appeared on Veracity Voice highly critical of Jeff Rense’s avoidance of the guardianship issue, the talk show host broke his years- long silence on the pervasive and problematic issue of adult guardianships and ran an hour interview  with reporter and talk show host Marti Oakley. The interview covered the main concerns of those in the guardianship reform movement, and stressed not only the theft of assets but also the fact that many of the wards are having their lives shortened... Read article

Concerns Continue to Mount on U.S. Bioweapons Violations

June 24, 2011

The Center for Disease Control has declined to confirm or deny allegations that the United States government is stockpiling biological and/or chemical weapons at Sierra Army Depot, a military base in Northern California. According to Ron Davenport, who was a biomedical engineer who worked at the medical clinic at Sierra Army depot in the seventies, the base at one time contained a stockpile of nuclear weapons. Davenport states that much of the base is actually underground. This reporter has obtained the testimony of a civilian... Read article

Jeff Rense: “Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy”

June 23, 2011

Concerns are swirling around the conspiracy circuit as to who Jeff Rense really is and what his real agenda might be. Allegations of neo Nazi affiliations have followed Rense since he first began to host a radio show, back in the nineties. These are the facts: When approached to run a story on the guardianship crisis, which has been likened to the T-4 program in Hitler’s Germany, Rense responded with an apologia for the Nazis: “It would have moderated after awhile.” When the retort was that it would have “moderated”... Read article

Attorney Defies Subpoena in Alleged “Murder-For-Money” Scheme

June 7, 2011

A San Bernardino County attorney has defied a court issued subpoena mandating that he turn over bank records which would allegedly implicate him in a “murder-for-money scheme.” The account in question belonged to a conservatee and was subsequently taken over by the attorney’s client, conservator Melodie Scott. Attorney J. David Horspool has consistently denied knowledge of any Bank of America account pertinent to Amalie M. Phelan. However, records already obtained show that Horspool and Scott drilled the safety deposit... Read article

“I Wants Your House!” Strange Case of Conservatorship Gets Stranger

June 7, 2011

It seemed that the  struggle over the conservatorship of Jean Tanaka couldn’t get more bizarre. Well, it just did. On June 2, 2011,   Tanaka conservator Linda Cotterman asked the court to have Mrs. Tanaka’s daughter, Jeannie, declared to be incontempt of court, an action which may involve jail time and will most likely cost Jeannie her job (Jeannie is an attorney with the State). Cotterman is apparently steaming that Jeannie Tanaka, who is the  Trustee for the Tanaka Trust, has asserted her rights as Trustee and... Read article

Nuts, Conservators and a Judge Gone Wild

May 30, 2011

Hot on the heels of a groundbreaking decision by L. A. Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz to restrain an esteemed medical doctor from reporting elder abuse of conservatee Jean Tanaka, further evidence has surfaced suggesting negligence on the part of Tanaka’s conservator, Linda Cotterman. Dr. Laura Moire’s courtroom testimony on March 3 in the conservatorship matter of Jean Tanaka detailed numerous issues where she deemed the care being given Tanaka by Cotterman to be negligent. Dr. Moire is considered an expert in elder... Read article

Obama orders targeted assassination of another U.S. citizen?

May 15, 2011

Judicial Reform activist Bill Windsor has just added his name to the list of political activists reportedly targeted for assassination by the U.S. Government. William M. Windsor was informed yesterday  by a reliable source that he may be targeted for assassination by the U.S. Government.  Windsor is an activist seeking to stop government corruption and judicial corruption. Windsor was a guest on a radio talk show on Republic Broadcasting on Thursday, May 12.  Following the radio show, Windsor was contacted by a known,... Read article

Chisculub Diary–A Case of the American Meme

May 15, 2011

I first came to Mexico in the early seventies. Straining at the confines of the small midwestern liberal arts college where I was in my second year, I responded decisively to a small ad in a progressive magazine, advertising a free university in Cuernavaca, Morelos. The founder of this project, Ivan Illych, had been gaining some notoriety for his concept of “De-schooling America,” and his institute, CIDOC, featured an array of radical thinksters of the post-flower power era.–most notably, Paul Goodman and John... Read article

Public Guardian’s Office Looting Estates–With a Little Help from the Judge

May 12, 2011

Tim King… “The court has stolen around $800,000 from me,” alleges Janet Phelan, a beneficiary of this Trust. (RIVERSIDE, Calif.) – The Public Guardian’s office in Riverside has been caught red- handed embezzling funds, it appears. And it is apparently going to get away with it. The Public Guardian’s office is pledged with the task of acting as conservator over estates belonging to the elderly and/or disabled and also acts as Trustee in other estate matters. In a recent routine... Read article

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