
On to Tehran and Damascus

March 26, 2003

Or Maybe Pyongyang The dogs of war have been completely unleashed, the criminality of this war by the United States and British governments is without question, only an immoral and ludicrous soul can see otherwise. George Bush’s war on Iraq has made the Bush government a criminal government that has broken both international laws and American constitutional law. Can we call it a war? Because King George does not have the lawful mandate under constitutional laws to initiate war on his own, the executive branch of government... Read article

The Assasination of an American Puppet

March 19, 2003

The Murder of Prime Minister Djindjic It’s been awhile since I wrote anything about the Balkans and Serbia in particular. With all that is going on in the Middle East, I always found myself writing about the Bush regimes foreign policy in other parts of the world. The assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic of Serbia has brought me to focus a little bit on the Balkans once again considering the Bush administration’s response to the murder of their favorite Serbian quisling. Nothing has changed in Washington’s... Read article

The Gods of War

March 18, 2003

Blessed Little Caesar’s War. The definitive expression of human immaturity and failure. Blessed are the “gods of war” in the Bush administration who cloak their murderous intent with sanctimonious rhetoric, and who are perpetually in opposition to truth and justice on every turn. Blessed are they for they go to war not for the interests of the American people but for the interests of a select few who owe their true allegiances to a whore on the other side of the world, a whore who does not know how to... Read article
