
Video: The Real Face of the European Union

April 30, 2006

The EU has been sold to Britain as our best hope for the future? But behind the scenes, has another, more unsettling agenda been unfolding? The European Economic Community (EEC) began for Britain as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today’s European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force even its own national anthem. In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers... Read article

How the Libertarians lost Liberty: John Fund, Justin Raimondo, and the history of the Libertarian Party

April 27, 2006

In Justin Raimondo’s article titled, John Fund vs. the Truth, online yesterday morning at, Justin illuminates the many failings of Fund, former WSJ editorial page editor and now columnist for that increasingly questionable publication. If you examine the publications that have been used as tools for planting opinion and values useful to NeoCons for the past 50 years the WSJ will always be high on the list. In the first paragraph of his article Justin links to an article by John Connelly titled, Sex, Lies,... Read article

Video: The Lightbringers: The Emissaries of Jahbulon

April 27, 2006

All over the world there are people, who call themselves freemasons and believe they are spreading the light, but they are actually very much afraid of the light. This film tells about what kind of light and how the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how it affects us. The film is an exciting excursion to some of the most powerful Masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe. Jüri Lina’s new documentary film: “The Lightbringers. The Emissaries of Jahbulon”  Read More →

Audio: The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time

April 26, 2006

We speak with Antonia Juhasz about her new book, “The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time.” The book tracks the radical neo-liberal economic program the Bush administration has tried to impose on Iraq, which threatens to leave Iraq’s economy and oil reserves largely in the hands of multinational corporations. Antonia Juhasz, visiting scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. For years, she was Project Director at the International Forum on Globalization. Website: 04/25/06... Read article

So You Want To Be A Citizen

April 25, 2006

My Aunt Tildie has been gone for an extended visit with one of her granddaughters and I thought it would be nice to see her again. I love her active mind, her awareness of what is going on in the world amd had missed her irrepressible commentary on social problems. As I rang her bell, I could hear the bustle inside as she came to the door, threw it open wide, and motioned me to sit in the usual chair. Without the amenity of the usual offer of a cup of tea or other social protocols, she began telling me what was on her mind. “Did... Read article

We Are The Deciders

April 23, 2006

“There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.“~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe If it weren’t so dangerously sad, the media gyrations to deflect attention from the sordid mess defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld has made in Iraq would be amusing. But efforts to hide the truth are futile because Rumsfeld is literally surrounded by “stars” — retired general officers speaking publicly about the fatal mistakes Rumsfeld made in his mad dash to “sweep everything up” and dash ... Read article

Video: Robert Newman’s History of Oil

April 22, 2006

The comedian and author gets to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years – but rather than adhering to the history we were fed at school, he places oil center stage as the cause of all the commotion. Excellent and factual, Newman tells it how it is. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: What one man saw and learned

April 18, 2006

On April 18, 2006, San Francisco will commemorate the centennial of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, an event that leveled that city. The number of people who died has never been more than estimated. The other loses of various kinds ran into what today would be billions of dollars. On that first day this photo was taken from the St. Francis Hotel, showing the city in flames. Less than 24 hours later the St. Francis would also have been gutted. Behind that crumbling facade of human invention stood a man with an active,... Read article

The War Lover

April 16, 2006

“Americans aren’t against the war in Iraq because it is wrong; they are against it because we are losing,” said former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter recently. Are Americans pro-war? And if so, why? Perhaps they don’t realize what a nightmare war is or the terrible devastation that it brings? Except for the tragedies suffered by the 9-11 families, none of us have ever experienced the gore, heartbreak and cruelty of war in our own hometowns. No one living here in America has seen anything even vaguely... Read article

Judas Iscariot Exonerated?

April 14, 2006

Judas, betrayer of Jesus, was set up. By Jesus! The ongoing saga of Jesus Christ took an irretrievable step into the surreal on The National Geographic Channel with the release of The Gospel of Judas, a project funded by the National Geographic Society. Get this: Jesus takes Judas aside and essentially says he needs a favor to speed things up. Go to the cops and show them where we’re camped. They’ll hate you for the rest of time, but you’ll be the greatest disciple in my book. Then he says go and claps... Read article

Video: Occupation: Dreamland

April 14, 2006

Occupation: Dreamland is an unflinchingly candid portrait of a squad of American soldiers deployed in the doomed Iraq city of Falluja during the winter of 2004. A collective study of the soldiers unfolds as they patrol an environment of low-intensity conflict creeping steadily towards catastrophe. Through the squads activities Occupation: Dreamland provides a vital glimpse into the last days of Falluja. The film documents the citys waning stability before a final series of military assaults began in the spring of 2004 that... Read article

Video: September 11: Evidence to the Contrary – “REDUX ’06”

April 12, 2006

LLS Chicago Presents a New Release: September 11: Evidence to the Contrary Featuring Eric Hufschmid and Alex Jones Learn who is really guilty for the September 11th tragedy. The information contained in this film is a compilation of 911 evidence proving the buildings had explosives in them. See a clip from Fox’s “THE LONE GUNMAN” pilot episode where a plane crashes into the WTC 6 months before 9/11. Truely amazing that no one caught this and these things were never braught up in the mainstream media. Loading...  Read More →

Flash Video: No Bravery

April 11, 2006

A compilation of images from the Iraq war. A 4 Minute Video Produced by Music by James Blunt  Read More →

Could It Be We Are on the Verge of WWIII?

April 11, 2006

In this year of 2006, the heathen run rampant with their attempt at building the new world order. In a recent development that would seem to be just a coincidence, a power outage at the capitol building caused the evacuation of Congress. Now the reasons presented in the press were pure propaganda because the Capitol building runs on it is own dedicated power source. Given that, what the press told the public was a pure lie when they said that or through them “Mary-Beth Hutchinson, a spokeswoman for Potomac Electric... Read article

Video: Falluja April 2004

April 10, 2006

Director Toshikuni DOI exposes the side of the U.S. war in Iraq that Americans do not see or hear in mainstream media. Falluja has become a symbol of the resistance movement against the occupation of Iraq by U.S. forces. In April 2004, the U.S. forces invaded Falluja with several thousand soldiers. Why did Falluja become a base of the resistance against the occupation? How did the U.S. forces attack? Who fought against them? And what damages and injuries did people suffer? Ten days after the siege of Falluja was lifted,... Read article

Video: File 9/11 Unsolved – Part Two

April 10, 2006

File 9/11 Unsolved – a German TV documentary by Willy Brunner and Gerhard Wisnewski, who were filmmakers contracted by German public television to create this excellent documentary about the unanswered questions of 9/11. Fully approved by management, the day after airing the management said it was full of fabrications and fired the film makers. Presented in German with English subtitles. Transcripts:”Aktenzeichen 11.9. ungeloest” – in German or “File 9/11 Unsolved” – in English. Loading... Part... Read article

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