
Al Gore Opens Mouth, Increases Carbon Footprint

December 17, 2007

Speaking today to COOL-IT (Communists for Only Onerous and Lofty Industrial Taxation) in Nome, Alaska, former vice-president Al Gore criticized the United States’ failure to adequately address climate change. Mr. Gore warned of future consequences of inaction while emphasizing that we have already felt the effects of a lamentably low suicide rate. Gore mentioned the extinction of species, the melting of the polar ice caps, and his loss of Florida in the 2000 presidential election. Said Gore, “Florida is a very hot... Read article

If I were President of the United States

December 17, 2007

As a nation, culture, language and people, the United States plunges into a “Human Katrina.” We’ve got Muslim terrorists trying to blow us up. We’ve got Mexicans colonizing us. We’ve got millions of the world’s poorest immigrating to our shores legally and illegally. We’ve got an $8.7 trillion national debt larger than the debts of most of the world’s countries combined. We’ve got congressmen and senators involved in mega lobbyists scandals of fraud and corruption. We’re engaged in an endless and... Read article

Speak English or starve: The Philly cheesesteak saga continues

December 16, 2007

It’s back in the news again. On Friday, December 14, a hearing was held here in Philadelphia on whether Joey Vento, owner of the popular South Philly cheesesteak shop Geno’s, violated non-discrimination policies when he put up a sign that reads: “This is America. When Ordering, Speak English.” A decision by the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations is at least two months away. This has been a very divisive issue in Philly and beyond ever since it first hit the news in 2006. People seem to have... Read article

Living in a Third World country? Survivor Puerto Vallarta, Episode 6

December 16, 2007

December 12: I’m starting to get really attached to Yelapa. It’s a really sweet place. And five days just isn’t enough time to wade through and sort out all of the ex-pat social life here let alone get down to the business of relaxing. I’m still trying to wade through the social life. But it’s endless. “I heard that you slept with [deleted] when you were here 33 years ago.” I didn’t! Honest. And even if I did, that was 33 years ago. Who the freak cares now! This... Read article

America’s Death By A Thousand Cuts

December 15, 2007

Have you ever cut your finger while slicing an onion? How about a scrape on your elbow when you fell? Ever suffer sunburn? What happened when you suffered a bloody nose? Have you ever cut a major artery where you could have bled to death? Today, America bleeds to death by a thousand cuts. We’re bleeding from every sector of our society. At some point, the United States of America cannot and will not survive the bleeding. Why? Take a look. Each day, Americans burn 20 million barrels (42 gallons per drum) of oil... Read article

Time Magazine Advocates Unending Immigration

December 14, 2007

This week, Time Magazine columnist Michael Kinsley perpetrated the biggest fraud concerning illegal immigration yet expressed in America. What sickens me stems from Time publisher Richard Stengel and Kingsley’s unabashed support of illegal alien migration. In addition, they refuse to address the ominous population dilemma created by relentless and unending immigration. They expose global warming, but refuse to address its causes. They report on air pollution gripping our nation’s cities, but refuse to address... Read article

It’s the PESO, stupid: Survivor Puerto Vallarta, Episode 5

December 14, 2007

I was having such a good time in Mexico that I had almost decided to stay here forever and never go home. But then the snake in the Garden of Eden reared its ugly head last night. Yikes! It was Montezuma’s Revenge! Which wasn’t as bad as when I had Osama’s Revenge in Afghanistan or Saddam’s Revenge in Iraq but it was still totally annoying. Oh well. Today I’m back to eating freshly-caught shrimp and enchiladas and pie. And fresh-squeezed orange juice…. And thinking how easy... Read article

How Free Are We Really?

December 13, 2007

We Americans take great pride in our freedom. We call ourselves “the land of the free, home of the brave,” have Lady Liberty in New York Harbor and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. America is synonymous with freedom in the minds of most. Much of the rest of the world, however, is thought a land of darkness which doesn’t benefit from our unencumbered bliss. Thus do we speak of the free and unfree worlds. In reality, it’s not that simple. There is neither such thing as a people with complete freedom nor one... Read article

Steps to Revolution

December 13, 2007

Effective Coalition, Cooperation, Communication, Consensus Today on Lew Rockwell’s blog Donna Volatile, a long time peace activist, said in an open letter to the Anti-war Movement, “A few activists like myself have crossed over to support Ron Paul but far too many others have not. Far too many from the left, far too many progressives and liberals and far too many anti-war activists have not. We have so much in common but many on the left ridicule Ron Paul and his supporters. They are so stuck in their positions,... Read article

Resistance and Hope

December 13, 2007

If we Americans are nothing more than hopelessly addicted consumers who think of ourselves as an exceptional people with special entitlements; if we see ourselves as god’s morally superior chosen people; if we are selfish and greedy beyond redemption—then we are complicit in all of the horrible crimes that government commits in our name. The United States has a violent history of atrocity and exploitation that began with the arrival of Christopher Columbus on the shores of North America in 1492. It extends all the way... Read article

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam — Democratized and ready to plunder

December 13, 2007

Part Eight It only took three million slaughtered Vietnamese, almost 58,000 Americans, Agent Orange, napalm, the destruction of Viet Nam’s infrastructure, billions of American tax dollars, about 30 years of American intervention, and almost 20 years of economic sanctions. Viet Nam is now democratized and safe for corporate plunder. Are the profits worth it? Their probable answer might equate to the response that Madeleine Albright gave when asked about the 500,000 children who perished during the U.S. sanctions of... Read article

Spitting on the Troops… 2007 Style

December 12, 2007

Mike Gaddy is a veteran of many years in the Army. He saw action in Vietnam, Grenada and Beirut. He currently lives in the Four Corners area of the Southwest and has written numerous essays for that make for very worthwhile reading. Like a lot of veterans, life has taught him that huge numbers of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have made huge sacrifices over the years in the service of what turned out to be lies. In a very recent column, he wrote the following: “We came home [from Vietnam] to a misguided,... Read article

On Cooperation and Competition

December 12, 2007

Since time immemorial, individuals have banded together into groups (tribes, prides, flocks, clans, etc.) to serve the mutual aims of members. For the most part, they cooperate together, although in a hierarchical system with an organized “pecking order,” so as to compete against other groups similarly formed into collective units. Apparently, such a pattern has fostered survival and, generally, has helped to ensure that the most fit live to breed in each successive generation. For instance, we can look at meercats... Read article

Down and out in Yelapa, Mexico: Survivor Puerto Vallarta, Episode 4

December 12, 2007

Right now I’m spending the week in a quiet fishing village called Yelapa, studying Spanish and trying to sleep. I’m also having trouble deciding whether to drag the freaking rooster that is crowing outside my window at 3 am off to St. Helena or Elba — because he obviously thinks that he’s Napoleon or someone. To hell with the freaking rooster. He’s about to meet his Waterloo. I first went to Yelapa in 1974. No roads, no electricity and only accessible by one hour in a motorboat or... Read article

Mutterings about what’s left of our country

December 11, 2007

Last month, I wrote a column, “What would happen if 20 million illegal aliens vacated America?” Michael Savage read it verbatim to his 12-20 million listeners. Hundreds of emails arrived in my inbox with ideas for improving America once we oust illegal aliens from this country. Additionally, I asked for ideas from readers for actions to save this country from incompetent and corrupt senators and the current administration. A forthcoming column renders a compilation of your ideas to bring America back to its original... Read article

Pakistan in the US “war on terrorism”

December 10, 2007

Pakistan is one of the most dangerous states in the world today, many observers have postulated, with the spread of militant Islamic radicalism threatening total destabilization in a nation armed with nuclear weapons. The US government has taken the position that it is better to support the dictatorship of Pervez Musharraf, deemed a “moderate” and regarded as a strong “ally” in the US “war on terrorism,” than to risk the spread of radicalism and perhaps even the possibility that the Taliban or al-Qaeda might... Read article

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