
Visiting a Combat Support Hospital in Iraq

May 31, 2008

One Love, Part 1… Whenever I sit down to write something, the stories usually just seem to write themselves but that’s not happening here so I guess I’m just gonna have to grind this one out the hard way — with elbow grease. This is going to be a two-part story. Part one involves my tour of a Marine combat support hospital (CSH) at the Al Asad airbase in western Iraq. And both you and me will have to wait and see what Part 2 is going to be about. Last October, I had e-mailed another reporter... Read article

Washington’s Culture of Deception

May 31, 2008

A bomb exploded inside Washington, D.C., this week, and, no, it was not the work of a Middle Eastern terrorist. It was the work of former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. He, perhaps more than anyone else, was the face of President Bush’s White House. He faithfully served President George W. Bush for close to a decade and served as Bush’s Press Secretary for some three years, resigning on April 19, 2006. He was also regarded as one of the most loyal and tight-lipped of the Bush insiders. However,... Read article

America – War, Oil and Politics in 2008

May 31, 2008

America squirms toward an unprecedented juncture in 2008 with the coming change of leadership in the White House. As citizens, our civilization cannot survive another presidency led by reaction, retort or inept responses. We cannot continue without a “National Strategic Plan” for our future. We must raise our voices toward a sustainable future by engaging our next president with a mandate for creating a new energy source. We demand a national energy policy, conservation policy, viable immigration-population policy... Read article

The Great Oil Swindle

May 30, 2008

How much did the Fed really know? The Commodity Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC) is investigating trading in oil futures to determine whether the surge in prices to record levels is the result of manipulation or fraud. They might want to take a look at wheat, rice and corn futures while they’re at it. The whole thing is a hoax cooked up by the investment banks and hedge funds who are trying to dig their way out of the trillion dollar mortgage-backed securities (MBS) mess that they created by turning garbage loans... Read article

Pain and Conscience

May 30, 2008

It is evident that a substantial majority of U.S. citizens are, in principle, opposed to the most destructive governmental policies stemming from the nation’s capital. These include, but are not limited to—the continuing war and occupation of Iraq, as well as the pervasive consumer fraud that preys upon the innocent and the unwary and causes them undue hardship. These charges are born out by the abysmal approval rating of Congress and the president. It is equally evident that the government, while pretending to be sympathetic... Read article

A Quick Fix for Judicial Tyranny

May 29, 2008

I am going to repeat myself here. Not because I am all that great, but because people need to be reminded of enduring truths. It is my calling to apply enduring truths to the shifting sands of the modern world. If this election is like any other, all the predictable people will no doubt be saying something like this: “…We Must Vote Republican And Stand Behind (John McCain) And His Judicial Nominees Because If We Don’t Evil Diabolical Scum Of The Earth Liberal Democrats Will Put Their Activist Judges On The Federal... Read article

America’s Citizen-Soldiers: My interview with a Marine colonel in Iraq

May 28, 2008

Good grief, I’ve done it again. Right in the middle of a very important interview in Iraq, I got brain freeze. Remember last October when I was granted that exclusive interview with one of the most powerful sheiks in Anbar province but couldn’t think of ANYTHING to say? Well, the same thing happened to me the other day when I finally scored an interview with the commanding officer of the Marines’ Fifth Regiment, charged with keeping the peace in western Iraq — and then couldn’t think of... Read article

Israel Talks to Syria

May 28, 2008

Israel and Syria announced last Wednesday (May 21) in simultaneous statements that they had begun indirect talks in Turkey, thus confirming that two long-time enemies are talking again for the first time in almost a decade. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said the following day that Israel wanted peace with its neighbors, but Syria needed to “distance itself completely” from its “problematic ties” with Iran. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem says Israel had indicated readiness for a full withdrawal from... Read article

The Crime of Being White

May 28, 2008

Just recently, I wrote a piece about Keith John Sampson, a college student who was charged with “racial harassment” for reading an anti-Ku Klux Klan book. Not surprisingly, the article evoked a great response, including emails from those with their own stories to tell about persecution inspired by what I will call caucaphobia. A couple of these accounts are so compelling – compared to one even Sampson’s problems pale – that I’ve decided to publish them in this piece (both readers allowed me to use their names;... Read article

Teddy Kennedy’s Horrible Legacy for America

May 27, 2008

Re: “America is richer for Ted Kennedy’s service” DP/5/25/08 Instead of a rich legacy bequeathed upon the United States by forever U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy, the oft-intoxicated, blubbery fourth brother of the Kennedy clan—four decades ago–drunkenly drove over a bridge that caused the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and lied about what happened. But his worst and most destructive legacy for the United States stems from his authorship of the 1965 “Immigration Reform Act” that added the bulk of our additional... Read article

America has no Duty to Destroy Islam

May 26, 2008

A few months ago, an old friend with whom I grew up somewhere in the swamps of Jersey sent me an e-mail that went something like this: A guy walked into a bar and saw GW Bush. He asked, “Mr. President, what are you doing?” Bush responded, “I am planning World War III. I am going to kill 140 million Muslims and a hot babe in a bikini.” The man asked, “Why would you kill a hot babe in a bikini?” Bush responded, “See? I told you! No one gives a rip about 140 million dead Muslims!” I was reminded of this the... Read article

Video: Lifting the Fog – Intrigue in the Middle East

May 25, 2008

Oil, wars, superpowers. Britain, France, Germany and the US have fought for almost a century to control the vast petroleum wealth of the Middle East. Intrigue unravels a history little known by Americans or Europeans, making striking use of interviews and rare footage. Produced, Directed and Edited by Allan Siegel. Loading...  Read More →

U.S. Military Targets Southeast Colorado (Part 3)

May 24, 2008

After the $1.4 billion purchase of ConAgra by HM Capital Partners LLC (formerly Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated) they retained ConAgra’s president, John Simons, and named the newly-acquired company Swift & Company to honor “one of ConAgra’s ‘ premier brand names.” ConAgra, still extant, has a huge product line. [1] In 1989, Thomas O. Hicks co-founded Hicks, Muse & Company, a private equity firm specializing in leveraged acquisitions. [2] HM has acquired media, food, oil, gas, energy, and... Read article

Open Borders Prove “War On Terror” Is Superficial

May 24, 2008

The American people were led to believe that America’s fine men and women in uniform were sent halfway around the world to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight a “war on terror.” Of course, everyone now knows that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks on September 11, 2001. I am sure that most everyone also remembers that the vast majority of the terrorists who participated in those attacks were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Yet, Saudi leaders continue to enjoy the coziest of relationships–and,... Read article

Defend Your Values, While You Still Can

May 24, 2008

“No deception, no matter how skilled or sophisticated, can hide the devastation caused by the sexual revolution and its radical wing, the gay rights movement. Broken homes, child abuse, abortion and AIDS are the inevitable result of a false view of sexual morality.” –Michael S. Heath Militant homosexuals are shutting down free speech. They’ve been targeting speakers, workshops, and conferences. Basically any event where a conservative view on homosexuality is presented by a speaker, or discussed/debated during... Read article

Ron Paul’s Ultimate Revolution — It’s You!

May 23, 2008

The current presidential campaigns are being driven by self-interest on the part of the major parties, the candidates and the voters — with the exception of one man. This lone Republican candidate represents our nation, the U.S. Constitution and long-held founding principles which made America the great nation that it once was. He contends that it is “we the people” who can return us to standing on those constitutional principles and a government abiding by them. Ron Paul, underestimated and shunned by the liberal... Read article

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