
Your Government at Work

March 17, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Betraying American Citizens… Last week, after millions of phone calls and faxes reached all 100 U.S. Senators, our government stripped the E-Verify from the $800 billion stimulus package. What does that mean? It means, according to Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, a minimum of 500,000 criminal aliens and as many as 1.5 million more of them will gain jobs from American taxpayer dollars. In other words, undermine the American worker by using his own money to give jobs to criminal aliens. As CNN’s Jack Cafferty... Read article


March 17, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Bernanke’s Witness Protection Program… Fed chief Ben Bernanke’s new funding facility is a real doozy. In fact, if the Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility or TALF, which is set to launch on Thursday, doesn’t convince the American people that it’s time to take a wrecking ball to the Central Bank and start over, then nothing will. Bernanke and his co-conspirator at Treasury, Timothy Geithner, are planning to revive the shadow banking system by dumping $2 trillion into the same over-leveraged, derivatives-based... Read article

The Pope Is Not Welcome in Jerusalem

March 17, 2009 · Leave a Comment

“Pope Benedict is not welcome in the Holy Land in the present circumstances”, – said Archbishop Theodosius of Sebaste, the highest ranking native Palestinian Christian clergyman in Jerusalem, after it was announced in Israel that the head of the Church of Rome will begin his May pilgrimage to the Holy City with obeisance to the Jewish Holocaust Memorial ‘Yad Vashem’. “We are not against the Pope’s visit to Yad Vashem, but before expressing solidarity with the Jews, he should show solidarity with... Read article

Can America Really Trust the GOP to Protect it from the Leviathan it Helped to Create?

March 16, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Will the GOP stand in the gap to turn back the drive of the Obama Administration and the Democrat majority in Congress to buy up what is left of American freedom? Pat Buchanan apparently believes so. In a recent submission, “Lyndon Baines Obama”, Buchanan wrote: “…Obama has accomplished something John McCain could not — unite the Republican Party and instill in it a new esprit de corps. For the Obama budget is an insult to the core belief of the party — that free people, not coercive... Read article

Challenging the Right on National Health Care

March 16, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Whenever I advocate for universal single-payer health care for all Americans, the right-wingers flood my inbox with all the predictable myths. First, they tell me that health care is not a right. They say it’s each citizen’s responsibility to provide it for his or her family. I guess this myth gives them another excuse to look down on the poor who cannot afford the luxury of medical insurance. It makes them feel superior. In response to that, I point out that health care is indeed a basic human right, enshrined... Read article

Senator Feingold Has Constitutional Opportunity

March 16, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Like others promoting constitutional amendments, Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat, Wisconsin, apparently is unaware of the refusal by Congress to obey Article V of the Constitution.  He has a fine idea: every senator must actually be elected rather than appointed to that position.  In 1913 the 17th amendment created the potential for governors to make appointments to fill Senate seats until the next regular scheduled general election and 38 states allow this; there have been 185 such appointments.  Feingold is right... Read article


March 14, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Ploy of the Moneychangers… “Confronted with the moral critique of America emanating from elite universities and the media, the old Protestant intellectual establishment quickly yielded the high ground. Many of them became avid cheerleaders of the new multicultural zeitgeist that rejected the America and even the Americanism of their ancestors, to the point that the new zeitgeist has become a consensus among elites of all stripes. They accepted their own demographic decline and they gave up their pretensions as... Read article

Overpopulation America’s Greatest Calamity in 21st Century

March 14, 2009 · 2 Comments

In brilliant descriptive prose, Christ Hedges, former New York Times correspondent, wrote a piece for titled “We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction” March 9, 2009. Hedges addressed the world overpopulation crisis in profound detail. As a continent jumping journalist, I thank him for his articulate understanding of the world hyper-population growth dilemma. Closer to home, I address America’s own accelerating crisis: adding 100 million people by 2035. It’s astounding the level of disinterest,... Read article

Springtime for Obama and Afghanistan

March 14, 2009 · Leave a Comment

During his stay at the White House, George W. Bush accomplished what Adolph Hitler could only dream about doing — bringing the American economy to a standstill. My friend Bob just told me that there are now actual tent cities forming up outside of Sacramento, CA, and that the people there call them “Bushvilles”. If you could pick through the ruins of the American economy, one of the main artifacts you would find would be the pork barrels left over from the invasion of Afghanistan. It’s... Read article

Earth Day 2009 – Be The Change

March 13, 2009 · Leave a Comment

I first met Helen in 2000. The friend who introduced us warned me we would agree on nothing. I am a Republican and then was very active in the National Federation of Republican Women. Helen Garland is a Democrat and very liberal. She personally put together the people who founded Earth Day, introduced Margaret Mead to environmentalism, and has spent her life working tirelessly for peace, justice, and care of the Earth. That is the motto of the organization founded in 1968 that is the real originator of Earth Day, the Earth... Read article

States Affirm Their Rights

March 13, 2009 · Leave a Comment

On February 26, the South Carolina House adopted and sent to the Senate a bill to “affirm the rights of all states including South Carolina based on the provisions of the U.S. Constitution’s Ninth and Tenth Amendments, etc.” In part it reads, “Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly declares that the people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State, and shall exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right pertaining thereto,... Read article

How The Israel Lobby Nailed Freeman

March 12, 2009 · Leave a Comment

IF YOU THINK THE ISRAEL LOBBY HAS NO POWER IN AMERICA, then please think again. The power of the Israel Lobby has once again emerged before the American public in the March 10, 2009 announcement of Charles Freeman, chosen by Obama to head the White House National Intelligence Council, that he turned down the job. Dennis Blair, director of the National Intelligence Agency, responded to Freeman’s decision in a statement “with regret.” Freeman, in an indignant letter to US foreign policy officials following... Read article

Obama: “I Am Not an Animal!”

March 12, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Actually, Obama said, in so many words, “I am not a socialist!” in a delayed-reaction response to a question from a New York Times reporter.  That is to say, his initial answer was a very pithy “no,” but then he felt compelled to call the interviewer back and give the scribe a piece of his mind (how much, we don’t know.  But rumor has it that it was sufficient to lower Obama from socialist to communist status).  And here is what he said: It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely... Read article

Fiscal Impact Study on Immigration Costs

March 12, 2009 · Leave a Comment

California, the frontrunner for state debt, teeters on the edge of financial Armageddon. Its ledgers reveal billions of dollars in the red.  Meanwhile, Governor Schwarzenegger dances around his ‘gorilla in the kitchen’ like a nervous ‘girly’ housewife.  Farther east, the State of Colorado finds itself a scant $630 million short of paying its bills. What do California and Colorado share in common?  Answer: their illegal criminal alien populations dictate their financial calamities.  With three... Read article

Obama Puts Science Back in Government

March 12, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Environmental attorney and activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has described George W. Bush as “the worst environmental president we’ve had in American history.” And I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. During the eight years of the Bush administration, pollution, climate change, and scientific research all took a back seat to Bush’s agenda of a corporate free-for-all. The Bushies even went so far as to censor scientific reports to suit their agenda. But all that is changing now. We finally... Read article

Remembering The Alamo

March 11, 2009 · Leave a Comment

March 6 marks the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo back in 1836. For more than 13 days, 186 brave and determined patriots withstood Santa Anna’s seasoned army of over 4,000 troops. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would never leave those ramparts alive. They had several opportunities to leave and live. Yet, they chose to fight and die. How foolish they must look to this generation of spoiled Americans. It is difficult to recall that stouthearted men such as Davy Crockett (a nationally known... Read article

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