
Playing the Never Again Card, Again

August 19, 2010

The phony intelligence used to induce our March 2003 invasion of Iraq has been dusted off. This time it’s being deployed to take us into Iran. Same scam. Same storyline. Same fraud—even featuring some of the same players. Except that this time around their deception lacks the broader context required to gain traction for their phony content. That key difference makes today’s perpetrators far more transparent—for those willing to look. Those foisting on us this latest fraud also face another challenge: Americans... Read article

You Want THEM To Control Healthcare?

August 19, 2010

Among the scariest words ever heard are, “We are from the federal government, and we are here to help you.” Shiver me timbers, matey! When you hear those words, pick up your peg leg and RUN, because you are about to get hammered. And that is exactly what is fixing to happen to the American people when the new Obama national healthcare law is fully implemented: we are going to get hammered. Anyone who believes that the federal government can manage anything efficiently is 8 years old, rationally challenged,... Read article

United Against Paintings

August 19, 2010

Some British Jews are desperate to stop the truth about the Jewish state being spread around.  The Jewish Chronicle reported today that Jewish  “Community leaders are battling to stop an exhibition of paintings by children from Gaza being shown in schools in the North of England.” Jewish campaigners say they have “no objection to the paintings, but have reacted with anger at a series of talks given to accompany them.” The man behind the exhibition and the talks is  Rod Cox, 62,  who visited Gaza and the West... Read article

GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard

August 18, 2010

Early Sunday morning, French police stood helpless as sixty people, locked inside an open-air field of genetically modified grapevines, uprooted all the plants.  In Spain last month, dozens of people destroyed two GMO fields. On the millennial cusp, Indian farmers burned Bt cotton in their Cremate Monsanto campaign. Ignored by multinational corporations and corrupt public policy makers, citizens act to protect the food supply and the planet. The French vineyard is the same field attacked last year when the plants... Read article

A Permanent Housing Collapse?

August 18, 2010

The recent chaos that erupted when 30,000 people waited hours in the Atlanta, Georgia heat to receive applications for subsidized housing is a mere symptom of a worsening national problem. The housing market appears to be on a never-ending downward spiral, with the much-discussed “recovery” always around the next corner. The reasons that such a recovery is impossible at the moment should be obvious: millions of people do not have jobs; millions of others work only part time; millions more work fulltime but... Read article

Secular Humanism Fizzles, Cosmic Humanism Flourishes

August 18, 2010

It may surprise some readers to learn that secular humanism, the anti-religious, anti-supernatural belief system liberal reformers and radicals tried to foist on society has fizzled out.  Their anti-God worldview failed to sway us away from our religious beliefs and from our obsession with “hidden knowledge.”  Instead of the promised Utopia, “secular humanists created two world wars and the death of 200 million.”  They also created a modern culture war, an upheaval over social issues such as abortion,... Read article

25,000 Jews live in Iran

August 17, 2010

25,000 Jews live in Iran. It’s the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel. Iranian Jews are not persecuted or abused by the state, in fact, they are protected under Iran’s constitution. They are free to practice their religion and to vote in elections. They are not stopped and searched at checkpoints, they are not brutalized by an occupying army, and they are not herded into a densely-populated penal colony (Gaza) where they are deprived of the basic means of survival. Iranian Jews live... Read article

The Jewish Division

August 17, 2010

I guess it shouldn’t take us by surprise that the Israeli flag has become a common feature at the ultra nationalist English Defence League’s (EDL) demonstrations and gatherings. The EDL calls for taking action against the “Islamization of Britain” and “Muslim fundamentalists”. It is a magnet for extremist right-wing activists and is driven by  xenophobia and ethno centrism. Recently the organisation gained an ‘important’ addition to its coalition of hatred. It is called the “The EDL... Read article

Alleged child soldier on trial at Gitmo

August 17, 2010

Canadian citizen Omar Khadr is now facing trial via a U.S. military commission at Guantanamo Bay. Khadr is accused of throwing a hand grenade which killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan in 2002 and injured two others. His is the first trial before a military commission under the Obama administration. The trial began during the week of August 9, but is now on hold for 30 days as the defense attorney recovers from a sudden illness. Khadr was only 15 years old when he was detained and sent to Gitmo, where he was allegedly subjected... Read article

Parents say Wi-Fi making their kids sick

August 16, 2010

From:… A group of central Ontario parents is demanding their children’s schools turn off wireless internet before they head back to school next month, fearing the technology is making the kids sick. Some parents in the Barrie, Ont., area say their children are showing a host of symptoms, ranging from headaches to dizziness and nausea and even racing heart rates. They believe the Wi-Fi setup in their kids’ elementary schools may be the problem. The parents complain they can’t get the Simcoe County... Read article

When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry

August 16, 2010

From: The Vigilant Citizen… This article documents some of today’s well-known artists who have gone on record and spoken about the dark side of the entertainment industry. Some of the industry’s biggest stars, including Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson and Bob Dylan, have hinted at the true nature of the business in their own words. Here are some of my findings. Throughout my articles, I discuss many dark aspects of the entertainment industry. Some of these aspects are so awful and improbable to the average... Read article

Wake Up Obama

August 16, 2010

If the United States is not kaput it is certainly withering away even as a rich upper class enjoys all the things that money buys. There is massive, widespread economic pain inflicting a huge fraction of Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, relying on food stamps, losing their homes, and who are feeling totally insecure financially. This maintains sluggish consumer spending that makes necessary economic growth impossible. The corporate bigwigs meanwhile are essentially using economic blackmail as they sit on trillions... Read article

If you think overpopulation works: Watch these Pictures of China

August 16, 2010

Most American citizens cannot fathom nor do they understand that continuous growth or exponential growth results in one final predicament: overpopulation.   While Americans live in a ‘scant’ 309 million peopled country, most of them, most of us—don’t possess a clue as to the ramifications of endless growth.  While we do not stand at the horrific 1.3 billion China possesses and add eight million annually, net gain—we’re growing at the same rate of speed as the world’s third fastest growing country behind... Read article

Mexicans Want Illegal Immigration To Continue

August 15, 2010

An enormous 67 percent of Mexicans want illegal immigration to continue into the United States of America. “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 13% of adults think Mexico wants to stop illegal immigration,” said journalist Stephen Franks. “Sixty-seven percent say Mexico does not want to stop its citizens from entering the United States illegally. Mexican President Felipe Calderon in his meeting with President Obama complained that Arizona’s new immigration law encourages discrimination.... Read article

Lack of Intellectualism is Losing the Marriage Debate

August 15, 2010

Judge Vaughn Walker’s legal ruling striking down California’s Proposition 8 certainly was no triumph of intellectualism. But while it’s easy to thus dismiss it, what’s usually forgotten is that reasoning such as his flies only in a certain cultural milieu — a milieu that, in part, has been shaped by conservatives. Let’s examine the matter. Walker’s lack of intellectualism is profound. Among other things, he said that opposition to faux marriage was ultimately based on “moral... Read article

Is Obama Playing With Nuclear Fire In Iran And Korea?

August 15, 2010

Fidel Castro came out of political retirement to warn the world that a nuclear war between the U.S. and Iran or North Korea is a very real possibility. The U.S. media either ignored the warning, minimized it, or ridiculed Castro. Is there a basis for Castro’s “alarmism”? Consider the following scenario: The U.S. government has already approved massive economic sanctions —through the UN and individually — against the Iranian government. The latest UN sanctions allow for the boarding of Iranian cargo ships coming... Read article

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