
How To Find a Bunker If Doomsday Is On The Way

March 31, 2011

From: Activist Post… As signs of the End Times both man made and natural become impossible to ignore, it seems that an increasing number of people are willing to take survivalism to its ultimate conclusion: the doomsday bunker. It is still a relatively small contingent, but builders of fallout shelters and survival bunkers of all stripes are recordingrecord sales in the wake of increasing natural disasters, chaotic political upheaval, and the threat of coming earth changes. One company, Hardened Structures cites... Read article

Fukushima Fallout Reaches U.S.A.

March 31, 2011

Trace levels of radiation found in rainwater from California to Massachusetts… Three of the six nuclear reactors at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have partially melted down and highly toxic plutonium is seeping into the soil outside. Plutonium is less volatile than other radioactive elements like iodine or cesium, but it’s also more deadly. According to Businessweek, “When plutonium decays, it emits what is known as an alpha particle, a relatively big particle that carries a lot of energy. When an alpha... Read article

Environment Can’t Sustain Human Overpopulation

March 31, 2011

Every time I turn around, somebody in the corporate world admonishes more growth.  Whether it’s a big city, small city or overloaded cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Houston or Los Angeles—national leaders trumpet the advantages of growth. However, cooler and more intelligent minds stand up and speak out like Dave Gorak, La Valle, executive director, Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration. “…in this country, it’s phony to say, ‘I’m for the environment... Read article

Taking Deborah Lipstadt Apart

March 31, 2011

In a recent article, Shoa-logist Deborah Lipstadt  attempts to reinstate her argument against historical revisionism. Lipstadt  is clearly opposing holocaust deniers whom she also identifies as anti-Semites, yet, she fails to define what denial means. She also comes short of suggesting what anti-Semitism stands for. I guess that for Lipstadt,  ‘deniers’ are those who insist that our past must be revisited, scrutinised and be told from different perspectives. People who hold such views are usually called historical... Read article

Land Day 2011 and BDS All The Way Until Israel Ends the Occupation

March 31, 2011

As part of the Global BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Day of Action commemorating Land Day, Adalah-NY: the New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel grabbed the attention of busy commuters with a song and dance twisted to remind people to boycott Israel and honor Land Day: BDS Flash Mob in Grand Central Station, NYC “Land Day” commemorates the killing of six Palestinians, 96 wounded and 300 arrested on March 30, 1976, in the Galilee. The anticipated peaceful demonstration by Palestinians was a response to... Read article

Housing Market Blues

March 30, 2011

The bleeding continues… The collapse in housing prices is gaining pace proving that the Fed’s bond purchasing program (QE2) has been an utter failure. While liquidity sloshes around in the equities markets, the distress on Main Street is more excruciating than ever. The release of the Case-Shiller index of property values on Tuesday, confirmed analysts worst fears, that the decline in prices is accelerating on the downside further weakening household balance sheets, wiping out precious home equity, and thrusting... Read article

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya

March 29, 2011

From: The Economic Collapse… The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company.  Perhaps when this conflict is over those rebels can become time management consultants.  They sure do get a lot done.  What a skilled bunch of rebels – they can fight a war during the day and draw up a new central bank and a new national oil company... Read article

Libya and The Holy Triumvirate

March 29, 2011

The words they find it very difficult to say — “civil war”. Libya is engaged in a civil war. The United States and the European Union and NATO — The Holy Triumvirate — are intervening, bloodily, in a civil war. To overthrow Moammar Gaddafi. First The Holy Triumvirate spoke only of imposing a no-fly zone. After getting support from international bodies on that understanding they immediately began to wage war against Libyan military forces, and whoever was nearby, on a daily basis. In the world of commerce... Read article

Nobel Peace Prize for AWOL War President

March 29, 2011

William Jefferson Clinton was called the first black president. Now it can be said that Barry Soetoro is the first female president. What justifies such a label? Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama has nocojones. The Ipanema vacationer practices his African samba carnival dance while carnage rains from tomahawk missiles. Humanitarian altruism acts as cover for a remote controlled marionette doing the bidding in the Soros world of his sorcerer mentors. This commander in chief runs from his own shadow. Do you recall when media outlets... Read article

Inside What Job? A Film Review

March 29, 2011

“There is definitely a fear among certain Jews in this industry…And it’s because it’s spreading past Wall Street now. There’s a growing animosity towards the wealthy, and especially the wealthy that have made money on Wall Street and real estate and finance, as so many Jews have—some legitimately, some not so. It’s very easy to generalise that it must be the entire Jewish people.” Jewish employee with a top New York investment bank who asked that his name be withheld.Jewish Journal (October 7 2008) “Inside... Read article

Scientists grow sperm in a lab

March 28, 2011

By Ian Sample |… Mouse sperm were grown using a technique that could also help preserve the fertility of boys undergoing cancer treatment. Scientists have grown sperm in the laboratory in a landmark study that could help preserve the fertility of cancer patients and shed fresh light on male reproductive problems. Fertility experts called the work a “crucial experimental advance” towards the use of lab-grown sperm in the clinic and a stepping stone to the routine creation of human sperm for... Read article

Is Fukushima About To Blow?

March 28, 2011

Conditions at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are deteriorating and the doomsday scenario is beginning to unfold. On Sunday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) officials reported that the levels of radiation leaking into seawater at the Unit 2 reactor were 100,000 times above normal, and the airborne radiation measured 4-times higher than government limits. As a result, emergency workers were evacuated from the plant and rushed to safe location. The prospect of a full-core meltdown or an environmental catastrophe of incalculable... Read article

Housing’s Double Dip

March 28, 2011

The housing market is now in full retreat. This week, the Commerce Department reported that sales of new homes plunged nearly 17 percent in February to a 250,000 annual pace. That’s a record low. At the same time, the median price fell 8.9 percent from February of last year. The news comes on the heels of Monday’s equally-dismal report that showed existing home sales dropped 9.6 percent in February. These are Depression era stats and builders know it which is why they’re unloading homes as cheaply as possible.... Read article

US stores spent nuclear fuel rods at 4 times pool capacity

March 28, 2011

In a recent interview with The Real News Network, Robert Alvarez, a nuclear policy specialist since 1975, reports that spent nuclear fuel in the United States comprises the largest concentration of radioactivity on the planet: 71,000 metric tons. Worse, since the Yucca Mountain waste repository has been scrapped due to its proximity to active faults (see last image), the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed reactor operators to store four times more waste in the spent fuel pools than they’re designed to handle. Each... Read article

The Bureaucracies That Marijuana Feeds

March 27, 2011

On March 14, 2011, federal police agencies raided scores of marijuana-related businesses in a number of states–including my home State of Montana. Hundreds of people were detained, put in handcuffs, and their property seized. To my knowledge, however, only a handful has actually been arrested (at least in Montana). Montana is one of several states in the union that has legalized marijuana for medical purposes. This was accomplished with overwhelming support from the Montana citizenry via a ballot initiative back in 2004.... Read article

Growing Illiteracy In America: Creating Entrenched Poverty

March 27, 2011

Let us consider the one word that defines poverty and human misery around the world:  illiteracy!  It creates destitution, loss of human dignity, starvation and chaos throughout any civilization. Examples: Haiti, Somalia, Mexico, Detroit-Michigan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and dozens of other countries. Because of illiteracy, today, in excess of 1.5 billion human beings cannot procure a clean glass of drinking water when they wake up.  In the neighborhood of 2.0 to 3.0 billion human beings will not enjoy a... Read article

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