
The Left – “Useful Idiots” of the Rich

January 19, 2012

The Left, including the communists have generally served as the useful idiots of international capital … The Left, whether in its Fabian, communist or New Left  varieties has been appropriated by the system it is supposedly exposing. A self-appointed elite that Huxley called the ‘World Controllers’ and Caroll Quiqley described as ‘an international network’ has for generations been intent on establishing a ‘World State’ (Huxley) or what David Rockefeller calls a ‘World Order’... Read article

Right to Work vs Union State Economies

January 19, 2012

Unions exert their political muscle whenever state politicians advance the practice of right to work legislation. Small business enterprises are the first causality in states that require unionization of the workforce to qualify for government contracts. The underlying assumption that Statist proponents of high cost labor benefits workers is a false conclusion. The political class seeks to guarantee the generous flow of campaign contributions for their willingness to exclude entrepreneurial ventures, which hire from the... Read article

Decentralization Is The Only Plausible Economic Solution Left

January 18, 2012

When I first began the process of launching the Alternative Market Project, the idea and scope were rooted in analytical papers I had written years before on aspects of centralization versus decentralization, and globalization versus localization.  Back then, I saw these conflicting economic systems as mutually generative.  That is to say, the further we as a society are pushed towards collectivist or feudalist economic structures, the more we naturally or unconsciously gravitate towards independent and open markets. ... Read article

Dancing the Apocalypso with the Microbial Gestapo

January 18, 2012

The Seventh Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention was predicted to be a dud. According to a number of BWC watchers, the expectations for this conference accomplishing very much at all were quite low. And if you believe the mainstream media, the only noteworthy event during the fourteen day conference, held at Palais Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, took place on December 7, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the meeting. Clinton’s speech ( Read article

When Is a Terrorist Not a Terrorist?

January 17, 2012

The longer and complete form of the first question in the headline is – When is a terrorist not a terrorist in the eyes of the Obama administration (not to mention all of its predecessors) and the governments of the Western world? Answer: When he or she is an Israeli Mossad agent or asset. In the case of the assassination of Iranian scientists, the Mossad’s assets are almost certainly members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) also known as The Peoples’ Mujahedin of Iran, which is committed to overthrowing... Read article

America, Welcome To The Fourth Reich

January 17, 2012

American Fascism did not start with World War II. Before Operation Paperclip, the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of the conflict, the annals of internal despotism were well established. With the open door policy for German engineering, the political ideology of state worship was bound to travel across the Atlantic. The Pampas of Argentina or the backwaters of Paraguay were the preferred location for those who openly professed... Read article

Here’s to The End of The ‘Special Relationship’ and More Outing of Mossad

January 17, 2012

The bumper sticker reads, “I love my country…but I think we should start seeing other people” and recent events lead me to believe it could actually be happening in regards to the “special relationship” between US and Israel. The American-Israeli massive missile drill codenamed “Austere Challenge 12,” that was to deploy thousands of US troops and missile defense systems to Israel this spring and Israeli forces to the US European Command in Germany [US-Israeli Spring Will Bring Deployment of Thousands of US... Read article

US MSM Beating Iran War Drums – Video

January 16, 2012

America’s mainstream media is being accused of playing with fire and hyping-up global tension, while trying to steer public opinion to please their sponsors. In a sensitive time with the military standoff in the Strait of Hormuz and looming sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program, the MSM is cynically playing-up the prospect of war, between Iran and the West. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan reports from Washington that viewers in the States are repeatedly hearing how war is virtually inescapable. With tension between... Read article

Bizarre News: What American Corporatists Are Getting Away With Now

January 16, 2012

After I got my long hair caught in a vacuum cleaner the other day, my first thought was pure terror — like I had just been attacked by werewolves or vampires with claws!  But then my second thought was, “Gee, at least I HAVE a vacuum cleaner”. Despite the recent huge economic downturn, most Americans are still relatively well-off right now, even me.  Sure, our infrastructure sucks eggs and we mostly have run-down schools and hospitals, but at least we still have them.  Old and run down.  But still functioning... Read article

Response to George Mitchell Regarding Why It Is Apartheid

January 16, 2012

“This is much worse than apartheid. Israeli measures, the brutality, make apartheid look like a picnic.” In the third ATLANTIC EXCHANGE series, Senator George Mitchell, former U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East, is featured in the segment of Is Peace Possible?, a multimedia presentation and special report on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the opening comments, Robert Wexler who retired from congress to become president of The S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, claims, “no... Read article

A Poison Cake

January 16, 2012

[Book Review by Israel Shamir of Melanie Phillips’ The World Turned Upside Down] British columnist Melanie Phillips has discovered Captain Hook’s recipe and used it to prepare her recent book: it is a tempting green, but it’s dangerous to eat. Many pages can be swallowed with no ill effect, but once the reader has succumbed to Phillips’ message of spiritual comfort, the sheer poison of her conclusions sets in. The worst part is that this venom is targeted at our best and brightest, in other words, you and me. Phillips... Read article

Woman Put In Jail For Being Poor

January 15, 2012

The recession ruined Linda Ruggles’ business and she has been selling plasma twice a week since to make ends meet. The blood bank couldn’t bail her out from behind bars though, which is where she ended up after she couldn’t pay a $480 fine. That fine, say cops in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, came about because Linda Ruggles had a messy yard. Barely getting by in recent years, Ruggles, 53, has been stockpiling scraps to pawn off in order to make her bill payments. In her yard rests a pile of metal that she routinely... Read article

Zionists Are a Fifth Column in America

January 15, 2012

What if US Senators and heads of national security agencies were found to have sworn oaths of loyalty to Iran or China? The bill Obama signed into law on December 31st called the Indefinite Detention Bill, now called the National Defense Act of 2012, which suspends habeas corpus protection of US civilian citizens in their own country at the behest of that bastard child of false flag 911 – Homeland Security – was authored and presented by Michigan Senator Carl Levin. Senator Levin holds dual citizenship as an... Read article

Rumor and Anger Mount in Libya

January 15, 2012

How Real is the Green? Tripoli… This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya, one of them, in all earnest, asked me, “Do you believe there will be a counter revolution soon in the “Jamarariya (state of the masses)?” The reason I was so surprised is that I was about to ask my hosts that very question. I was thinking that with all their... Read article

The Working Class Begins To Fight Back

January 15, 2012

After decades of losing ground and feeling helpless, working people are beginning to fight back. This development has emerged in part because the Occupy Wall Street movement has thrown a national spotlight on the growing inequalities in wealth and the mainstream politicians who have enabled this trend to continue for decades. The Occupy Wall Street movement drew the obvious conclusion: meaningful change will happen, not by endless waiting for the politicians to act, but by working people relying on themselves and acting... Read article

Mitt Romney Desperate To Hide Truth

January 15, 2012

ROME, Ohio - Two speeches made to different groups of supporters last Tuesday evening may change the world. The remarks were given by the winning and second place candidates vying to be the GOP nominee for president at two locations in New Hampshire minutes after the polls closed. Between these two, enunciated in word, delivery and the reaction of supporters, the watcher could see, in sharp relief, demarcation lines revealing ideas and values which define an America reaching for the future. If you have not watched the links... Read article

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