
Zionists Are a Fifth Column in America

January 15, 2012

What if US Senators and heads of national security agencies were found to have sworn oaths of loyalty to Iran or China?

The bill Obama signed into law on December 31st called the Indefinite Detention Bill, now called the National Defense Act of 2012, which suspends habeas corpus protection of US civilian citizens in their own country at the behest of that bastard child of false flag 911 – Homeland Security – was authored and presented by Michigan Senator Carl Levin. Senator Levin holds dual citizenship as an Israeli.

“What’s wrong with that? Israel is our Ally”, most Americans would say. I used to believe that. But the history of US/Israeli relations relative to Israeli relations with other nations tells another story.

Israeli foreign policy has a history of covert operations directly counter to the national interests and domestic welfare of the United States dating back to 1961.

This is conflict of interest. Conflict of interest occurs when an individual or organization in a position of public trust is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other. Questioning dual citizenship of elected officials is in no way antisemitism. The issue it conflict of interest pure and simple.

This has nothing to with being ‘anti-Israel’ any more than questioning dual Chinese-American citizenship senators would be. The same would apply if the senator that introduced this bill had Iranian, Chinese, or Russian dual citizenship. I don’t believe dual citizenship with any other nation should be allowed for US legislators, Federal bureaucrats, Federal Judges, US military personnel, or any position of influence of national security.

There’s nothing wrong with a doctor, a banker, or teacher having dual citizenship. They aren’t in positions of public trust. It’s entirely inappropriate for public servant.

Sen. Levin is chairman of the Armed Services Committee. That means he is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including the Department of Defense, military research and development, nuclear energy (as pertaining to national security), benefits for members of the military, the Selective Service System and other matters related to defense policy. In addition he is ex officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Select Committee on Intelligence. This man has control of the most powerful military in the world.

With due respect for Levin – how can be be objective about the application of US military policy in the Middle East as a resident of Israel?

In secret back channel communications in 1961, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion asked President Kennedy to support Israeli offensive weapons development and supply American Hawk missiles for starters. Kennedy not only refused, he said he planned to honor the 1950 Tripartite Declaration which said that the United States would retaliate against any nation in the Middle East that attacked any other country. Finally, Kennedy informed Ben Gurion the US wouldn’t support Israel’s development of nuclear weapons.

Ben Gurion was furious. Unknown to the American public at the time, the two leaders engaged in a hot exchange of communiques. Threats were made. The conflict wasn’t made public till 1998 in an article by Ethan Bronner in the New York Times. Much of the content of Ben Gurion’s letters to Kennedy remain classified by the US Government. Subsequently Ben Gurion initiated secret collaboration with Maoist China for mutual nuclear weapons development.

(The history of Mossad and the Chinese secret service collaboration on many occasions in outright theft of American military secrets is documented in Gordon Thomas’ Seeds of Fire).

While this was going on, in Jan 1962, LOOK magazine published an interview in which Ben Gurion predicted the future. By 1987, he said,

“In Jerusalem, the United Nations will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.” [1]

When the CIA informed Kennedy in 1963 that the MOSSAD and the Chinese were partners in espionage for US weapons secrets he threatened to cut off US relations with Israel unless the nuclear development base at Dimona were opened to US inspectors. Rather than submit to this ultimatum, Ben Gurion resigned as prime minister in July 1963. [2]

Kennedy was assassinated November 22rd 1963. In The Final Judgment, Michael Collins Piper traces an Israeli (Mossad) connection to the Kennedy assassination.

Under Kennedy’s successor Lyndon Johnson, believed to be a crypto Jew, US aid to Israel increased three fold, equipping Israel with state of the art tanks and fighter jets that won the Six Day War in 1967.

Abraham Feinberg, the ‘Democrat fundraiser’ who had been Ben Gurion’s bagman to Harry Truman, heavily financed Johnson’s political career. The total is unknown since most contributions were cash. But it can be approximated by Israeli ‘sweetheart’ deals slipped to Feldman, such as a multimillion dollar share of the Israeli Coca Cola franchise.

On the cue of 911, the already prepared PATRIOT Act was was introduced by Republican Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) with Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Feinstein and Schumer were both Israeli dual citizens.

Now, the NDAA 2012 will allow the military to detain indefinitely anyone “suspected of involvement in terrorism.” The Zionists engaged in widespread terrorism when establishing the State of Israel. They engaged in it when they instigated the false flag 9-11 attack.

But they don’t want Americans to follow their example when demanding their own freedom and independence.

No worry. Americans have been fighting Zionist wars for so long, they don’t know how to fight their own.

Finally, Zionism is just an instrument of the Illuminati, (i.e. the Cabalist central bankers.) The ultimate Illuminati plan may be for “Zionists” (US, EU, Israel) to battle “anti-Zionists” (Iran, Russia and China) in a Third World War.

It’s possible that we are being led down the garden path and we are accomplices in our own destruction.

“A cardinal technique of the fifth column is the infiltration of sympathizers into the entire fabric of the nation under attack and, particularly, into positions of policy decision and national defense.” — Encyclopedia Britannica


[2] Avner Cohen, Israel and the Bomb


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