
Nuclear Israel: Image of Apocalyptic Horror

May 12, 2012

Imagine a world plunged in darkness and extreme cold with the sunlight screened off by a thick pall of dust cloud. Imagine a world flung back into chaos. This is an image conceived of a world abandoned to dereliction by doomsday weapons. According to Samson Option theory, Israel reserves the option to retaliate massively with nuclear weapons when its existence is gravely endangered by the military might of another country although the regime refuses to admit to the possession of a huge nuclear arsenal. As a first sign of... Read article

Why The Health Nazis Are On The March

May 11, 2012

They say “Jolly is the fat man,” but perhaps not when he’s being chased (and, I’m sure, caught) like a Frankenstein monster by the Body Cult crazies.  And that is the case today, as it has become fashionable to affront the friendly-fronted. It seems most anything goes now: bloated houses, bloated egos, bloated libidos, bloated bureaucracies, bloated government – except bloated bellies.  And a perusal of the news makes this clear, with a never-ending stream of stories about obesity this and obesity that.  For... Read article

Obama Was Always For Faux Marriage

May 11, 2012

So another mask has dropped.  Barack Obama made history yesterday in becoming the first president to announce support for faux marriage. And on January 20th, 2009 he made history in becoming the first president who supports faux marriage. Obama revealed himself in a Wednesday interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, saying, “At a certain point I’ve just concluded that, um, for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that, uh, I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” This statement... Read article

Ron Paul Fights To End Military Aid To Israel

May 10, 2012

Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has condemned a plan being considered in the United States House of Representatives that would allow for the US to continue aiding in the defense of Israel by equipping the Jewish state’s military with added weaponry. From Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) attacked the contents of an act currently up for discussion that, if passed, would reestablish America’s major role in Israeli affairs. Rep Paul fears, however, that it would do more harm than good for all... Read article

Who’s Behind Shia Massacre In Pakistan

May 10, 2012

Death is whimsical these days, manifesting itself in shapes most repellent to man: men posing with the mangled parts of dead bodies; men urinating on dead bodies; men cutting out the eyes of their brothers and killing them in the name of religion. A human tragedy of inconceivable magnitude is taking place in some parts of Pakistan which are being inexcusably and consciously ignored by Western media. Only in April 2012, more than 250 Shia Muslims were maimed and killed in broad daylight. Around 150 pairs of Shias’ eyes... Read article

“America Has Become a Piñata…”

May 9, 2012

Baltimore, Maryland – “America’s national government has moved way beyond a political spoils system,” wrote Charles Goyette in his book The Dollar Meltdown. “A spoils system leaves the host alive so that a politician’s occasional ne’er-do-well brother-in-law can be put on the payroll.” In contrast, Goyette suggested, “America has become a piñata: Everybody gets a crack at it. Presidents and other elected officials pass the big stick around as a reward to those who help keep them in charge of the piñata... Read article

Bankruptcy Trends In The Post Meltdown Era

May 9, 2012

Economic dislocation is an inherent element in any financial system. One way to deal with balance sheet imbalances is to declare bankruptcy. The most common examples of liquidating default without payment are to petition the court to absolve debt obligations. Personal bankruptcy is tragic, but is common in a culture where immediate consumer gratification is the end all of a private excess society. Business bankruptcy is different because the underlying enterprise assumes all the risks of engaging in commerce. Even prudent... Read article

Economic Alert: If You’re Not Worried Yet…You Should Be

May 8, 2012

For the past four years I have been covering the progression of the global economic crisis with an emphasis on the debilitating effects it has had on the American financial system.  Only once before have I ever issued an economic alert, and this was at the onset of the very first credit downgrade in U.S. history by S&P.  I do not take the word “alert” lightly.  Since 2008 we have seen a cycle of events that have severely weakened our country’s foundation, but each event has then been followed by a lull, sometimes... Read article

Number ONE Enemy of the State

May 7, 2012

There is immense confusion about the nature of the State. There is even more bewilderment about what constitutes a patriot. Any discussion in the civic realm begins with a cultural viewpoint. An attitude toward the proper role of the individual’s relationship with government based upon one’s value system and interpretation of civil order is natural. One man’s patriot is another man’s traitor. Where do you stand on the sentiments behind the penning of the below ideas? Quiz yourself and see if you can figure out... Read article

Oprah’s At It Again, Declaring She’s A Christian

May 7, 2012

Why is Oprah trying so hard to convince us that she’s a Christian when what she believes about Jesus Christ flies in the face of historic, orthodox Christianity?  For 25 seasons she promoted, not Christianity, but a New Age-New Thought worldview.  Many of her guests were purveyors of Eastern mysticism. Oprah has consistently, and unapologetically, rejected an essential tenet of the Christian faith: There is only one path to God, through the Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus stated unequivocally, “I am the way, the... Read article

Israel Under Intelligence Fire Over Iran

May 6, 2012

Producing from his pocket a sheet of paper which contained a biblical quote from the Prophet Zachariah, former Shin Bet chief said, “I will tell you things that might be harsh. I cannot trust Netanyahu and Barak at the wheel in confronting Iran. They are infected with messianic feelings over Iran,” thereby dealing a heavy blow to the Israeli regime. A rift the size of a potential coup is taking shape between the Israeli government and the military-intelligence men over Iran, a fact which threatens the ruling Israeli... Read article

Dangerous Glass Fibers In Cigarettes

May 6, 2012

Shocking new research reveals that a specific type of lung cancer many smokers develop comes from tiny tears in their lung tissue caused by microscopic glass fibers, also known as glass wool, found in many conventional cigarette filters. These rips in the epithelial (soft) tissue fuel the development of tumors and cancerous cells due to the constant overload of toxins, namely pesticides, nicotine and ammonia, contained in commercial cigarette smoke. The filters of typical commercial cigarettes contain microscopic, needle-shaped... Read article

Hokumhontas Warren’s Stupid Horse Moment

May 5, 2012

Many critics have called Massachusetts Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren a “racist” for relating a family story about how her grandfather had “high cheekbones like all Indians do.”  But they’re wrong.  The comment wasn’t “racist.” It was stupid. In fact, it was childishly stupid.  Really, it reminds one of the copout Bill Clinton disgorged when addressing his marijuana use: “I tried it, but I didn’t inhale.”  And it should come as no surprise, either —... Read article

The Lutfallah II Arms-Smuggling Scandal

May 5, 2012

Another Watergate Unfolding? It would be an incautious stretch to suggest any sort of parity between Watergate and the unfolding Lutfallah II arms shipment-to-Syria drama, that each day brings more revelations. But some of what we are daily learning about the who, what and why of Lutfallah II reminds some of us of a Watergate, type atmosphere including  “bit by bit, drip by drip” revelations,  denials, setting up fall guys and remarkable examples of incompetence. The still unfolding Lutfallah II weapons running misadventure,... Read article

‘We Are Preparing For Mass Civil War’ – DHS Informant

May 5, 2012

In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. “Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles. “We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military... Read article

The Greedville – Manchester Conspiracy

May 4, 2012

Another piece of the New World Order puzzle is emerging to public sight. Now, Rumor Mill Readers can understand why RMN is being attacked on what would seem, at first glance, to be a personal issue. Until now I did not see the connections and understand the overall game plan. Now, it is clear why refusing to engage will not work. For the New World Order nothing is personal. It is all business as usual. In 2002 NWO operatives were assigned to began an operation, intended to destroy my daughter and myself using the ‘nuts... Read article

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