
Christmas Wish List For America’s Future

December 21, 2007

As we enter the Christmas countdown, children across America hope Santa grants their wishes when the sun rises over the horizon on December 25th. Bright eyes and expectant faces hope for a new doll or a special game.

With adults, they might wish for a new shirt, a special set of golf clubs or fine jewelry.

For the homeless or jobless, a hot meal may bring relief from the frustrations of this season of the heart. For the lonely, maybe a kind word could bring a smile.

Christmas means a time of giving, receiving and fellowship. It’s a time of renewal as a certain child, Jesus, arrived on this planet with a special message of kindness, understanding, love and compassion.

If you notice, millions wish one another “Merry Christmas” as they walk out the door of their recreation center or hold open a door so others might pass through at the grocery store. Families get together for dinners and church service.

Christmas brings hope for all of us to wake up with the expectation of gifts or reunions with old friends or warm appreciations of our abundant lives for the vast majority of American citizens.

At my church in Denver, our ministers offer six repeat services with wondrous songs, brass horns, stirring music, terrific choir and candle light services. One of our ministers, Reverend Cynthia sings like an angel. Dr. Roger plays his banjo. Reverend Barry plays guitar with songs like “Stone Soup” and “Answer Your Cell Phone.” Each service fills our church with 1,000 people.

Do you know what the most wished-for present on the lips of our members happens to be? I’ll bet you do because your members at your church wish for it, too!

What do we adults wish for at Christmas more than anything?

Without a doubt, Americans and humans across the planet wish for world peace for all of humanity.

As I step into church for one of those services on Christmas eve, I’m going to pray for world peace. I’m taking my wish list into that church and speak to the All-Mighty. I’m going to bow down my head in reverence to life, to my fellow human beings and, more than likely, shed a few tears down my cheeks.

My Christmas wish list follows:

  • I wish for the next president of the United States to govern with integrity, ethics and personal responsibility toward the citizens of this country, to other citizens of other countries and to our fellow creatures on this planet.
  • I wish for an end to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. I hope our president pulls troops out of those two war torn countries and leaves other citizens of the world to solve their own issues.
  • I wish for the next president of the United States to follow and honor the U.S. Constitution as it was written by James Madison, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock and all those intelligent men at the founding. I hope our own citizens vote in critical numbers to make sure that happens.
  • I wish that our leaders move us toward a new energy source by advancing science via engagement of our best and brightest minds. I hope that we move away from oil and toward a sustainable future for all humanity.
  • I wish that we secure our country physically and linguistically to maintain our viability as a civilization today and 100 years from now. I wish other countries and their leaders to sustain their own citizens and civilizations—as they respect ours.
  • I wish our government would take 460,000 of our military personnel from around the world on 700 bases and bring them home to our country. Leave other countries their right to privacy and self-governance.
  • I wish our country would engage and invest in our educational systems, hospitals and communities with renewed passion for a better future for all Americans.
  • I wish for respect among all races, creeds and colors so that the human race can move forward toward a better future for our children and all living creatures on our planet home.
  • I wish that husbands respected their wives and children enough to avoid violence in their homes. I hope they give their wives and kids love, kindness and support in their own journeys.
  • I hope that visitors to our country respect our sacred trust of citizenship and I hope we reciprocate the same.
  • I hope that each member of Congress respects his or her constituents with the sacred trust of public service—and, offers the best avenues for all Americans.
  • I pray that the rule-of-law that kept this nation viable for 231 years re-engages in 2008 with a greater degree of honesty by mayors and governors across this nation. And most of all, this president.
  • I pray that humanity moves toward solving its great issues across the globe in positive and compassionate manners no matter what religion or location. May all faiths respect one another.

As this Christmas moves into its final rush, I hope that each of you finds peace in your own homes, your own families and your own communities. When you give a smile and a kind word from your unique being, you most likely will enjoy a return of that smile and kind word.

We’re all in this together–this human race–this profound spiritual experience in our physical bodies. May the Great Spirit or whatever name you call God–move in, through and with you in greater depth during this Christmas celebration. May God’s wisdom express through your creative genius in the multitude of forms available. Find quiet time to ponder how you show up in the world today and how you may bring greater good into the world tomorrow.

As I walk out my church on Christmas, I’ll be thinking of you by supporting you on your unique journey and may you find joy, peace and good will to all mankind.

As little Tim said in the Charles Dickens’ classic, “God bless us one and all.”

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website

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