Three Humble Giants, Two are Pres. Candidates
February 15, 2008
Unnoticed by the media and the majority of the population, three humble statesmen have consistently plowed their life roads towards restoration of freedom, liberty and the government under the U.S. Constitution. Two of them are presidential candidates in the Republican race.
Freedom and Liberty — once fighting words. These two words are no longer used except for emotional appeal by political elitists who usually have a hidden agenda; power, greed and more control of citizens.
Rep./Dr. Ron Paul has attracted attention from citizens whom I call awakened sheep (I’m one of them). They are the sheep who have awakened to the fact that they have been lured to the trough of those in power who have shrugged off their responsibilities and duties serving our nation.
For 20 years Paul has preached his message in the House of Representatives; an isolated fight for the most part. He didn’t compromise his integrity, his principles, his honor, his country. Neither did he cede to the power-wielding lobbyists nor to the elitists who hold strangleholds on congressional committees. He sought to institute “long-term” solutions, not indulgent, people-pleasing, short-term band-aids. He kept drawing attention back to America’s contract, the U.S. Constitution.
At the end of Paul’s first eight years in the House (1976-84), he gave a Farewell Speech that in future may well be cherished as a historical freedom and liberty speech. It was reminiscent of the founding fathers who warned what would happen if the Constitution was ever disregarded or discarded.
Dr. Keyes, also running on the Republican Party ticket, entered the race late and is not mentioned or covered in the media. In some states, aware voters wrote in Dr. Keyes on their ballots. Keyes served in the State Department during the Reagan years; has run for office, and also hosted two television shows. He now serves as Chairman of the Declaration Foundation ( and also the grassroots organization, Renew America,
The third freedom fighter is Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore. He risked all when he refused to abide by a judicial mandate to remove a “Ten Commandments” monument from public property. He risked all and lost but is not forgotten.
Keyes defended Judge Moore’s action, citing both the U.S. Constitution and the Alabama constitution as sanctioning Moore’s (and Alabama’s) authority to publicly display the Ten Commandments in the state’s judicial building. Keyes continued speaking out and published an essay, “On the Establishment of Religion: What the Constitution Really Says” (
All three men have humbly fought, not with swords, but with words and actions.
One emailer asked about a possible Paul-Keyes combo. The thought had crossed my mind. Now I think Rep. Paul, Dr. Keyes, and Judge Moore should join hands. They have more in common than they do with any of the so-called conservative crowd now politicking. Currently Judge Moore endorses Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy.
These three men are intertwined by their ability to grasp what America is missing and what she must do to restore herself. They may not agree in all areas of governing, but they could rationally discuss those disagreements, unlike those in our Capitol today.
All have strong, virtuous characters. With Paul’s strength in economics; with Keyes strengths in foreign relations and education; with Moore’s strengths in judicial matters and the Law — they are all winners.
They have tried to raise the consciousness of Americans, attempting to raise the passion of nationalism and love of country, but particularly pointing to the historical legacy and heritage of the first 150 years of our nation.
By their efforts, perhaps millions of citizens have awakened to their message. These giants fight against the rising tide of the out-of-control federal government, a climbing federal debt; and a government which has abandoned the U.S. Constitution and the laws under which America became a great nation.
In Judge Moore’s book, “So Help Me God: The Ten Commandments, Judicial Tyranny, and the Battle for Religious Freedom,” he stated that he suffers “absolutely no regrets. I have done what I was sworn to do. …I had threatened the philosophy of judicial supremacy. Those who sat behind benches wearing black robes and wielding gavels did not want to be reminded that there is a God, or for that matter, a Constitution that they were sworn to uphold. …a new law reigned — the rule of man.”
Paul and Keyes would say Amen! and keep on faithfully striving toward a restored America with freedom and liberty.
Will you?
Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at and publishes on other online publications.
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