Disintegration of American Empire
March 13, 2008
USA, Murdered by Unknown Assassins
With the insight of a true leader Congressman Ron Paul thinks we may be seeing the “”. That cataclysmic prediction is supported by hosts of current realities.
Although harbingers in the form of potentially fatal social and economic diseases have been apparent for several decades, life in the United States has gone on as if all is well with the world.
Christian churches vested with the duty of supporting righteousness and confronting evil are busily engaged in “praising the Lord” and expecting His blessing in the form of prosperity, healing, and personal peace. Christian leaders have been absorbed with expository preaching, growing their churches, meeting their budgets, counseling, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, teaching, and above all seeking popularity and avoiding controversy. They have pandered to their financial base and ignored the sea of corruption and sin that has engulfed their environment.
United States not been defeated on the battlefield and invaded; it has not even been significantly attacked. Our demise is being engineered by the individuals we have supported and elected to govern us.
Confident in their own ignorance, the bulk of the electorate is busy supporting one of the pre-selected puppets that will preside over the last few catastrophic blows that will kill the former city on a hill and stir the corpse into a world government stew.
A half century ago Whitaker Chambers stated the problem almost perfectly; “Economics is not the central problem of this century. It is a relative problem which can be solved in relative ways. Faith is the central problem of this age. The Western world does not know it, but it already possesses the answer to this problem-but only provided that its faith in God and the freedom He enjoins is as great as Communism’s faith in Man.”
The encroachment of darkness is always a spiritual problem and the solution is always found in the Church of Jesus Christ. When the salt of Christianity losses its flavor and the call from the pulpit is other than the sterling wishes of our perfect God, the creation groans and the evil one dances with delight.
Christians have failed to work for God as hard as Communists have worked for man!
Gentle reader, you may respond that you have great faith in God and that He has done miraculous things in your life. True as this may be it has nothing to do with the dilemma we now face. What we now face is a rise of humanist tyranny resulting from an effective effort to exert their will over God’s creation. Their zeal for evil has been stronger than our zeal for King Jesus!
Many of the battles are being won by default but others are lost because Christians have given up their primary offensive weapon. Law is the atom bomb of Christian warfare. It forms the religious base of society and foolish Christians have divided the Bible, used flawed theology to ignore God’s Law, truncating and weakening the Gospel and allowed a secular government to install human laws in place of God’s Law.
Our pulpits distort Christianity by preaching a winsome message. When Jesus directed Ananias to lay hands on Saul of Tarsus to restore his sight, Ananias was reluctant because he knew that Saul persecuted Christians and was an instrument of the chief priests. But Jesus told Ananias that Saul was His instrument to bear His name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel adding that He would show Saul how much he must suffer for His name’s sake.
Strong’s Concordance has a column and a half of references to some form of suffering. The Bible clearly depicts a murderous rage against our Christian God; a rage extending from the tragedy in the Garden on through the Old Testament into and through the New Covenant. Suffering, fleeing, death, beatings and crucifixion fill the pages of God’s Word.
This may sound like a strange question; but, gentle reader, if you are a Christian, does someone despise you? The Savior was “despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and like one from whom men hid their face, He was despised and we did not esteem Him.”
Does the Christian leader you are following preach enough of the Gospel to be despised by the evil doers in your town?
Before I go on with this line of thought it is important you understand why this criticism is necessary.
While some seventy percent of our citizens claim the name of Jesus Christ, our society is, by any standard, a cesspool. President Bush II a bill that would have made the torture of waterboarding illegal. He reserved to himself an option to order cowardly tortures of helpless prisoners against the advice of scores of high ranking military and governmental personnel. His administration, supported by many Christian leaders, is as filthy as the images that grace our television screens. Both are filled with homosexuality, abortion, adultery, pornography, and gross language. Legally established adult book stores serve as modern temples of Baal, sexual images and innuendos are everywhere in advertising, the “f” word is regularly inserted in movies, and the divorce rate in our 70 percent Christian contingent is as high as the 30 percent that are pagan.
Our government is being conducted by pragmatic criminals who have no regard for the basic law of the land, who regularly lie to us, pass laws that are detrimental to the welfare of the nation, and pander to wealthy donors to keep their pompous positions. They trash our markets, wipe out our industry with free trade, depreciate the value of our currency with foreign war, maligned our culture with multiculturalism, lower our standard of living, and ruin the health of our citizens. Their treasonous activities have taken us to the brink of dissolving the United States of America into a North American Union without the slightest regard for the people who worked and died for the freedom this nation has enjoyed. Conditions could hardly be worse.
Most of the deterioration has occurred during an era of so called Christian revival. Simultaneous to the conversion of millions of Americans to Christ the culture has slid into the gutter.
The Gospel being preached to God’s people is not the Gospel contained in God’s Word and passed to us through antiquity. It is a flaccid maligned Gospel resulting from thousands of arrogant independent interpretations of the Bible that have created an ungodly humanistic chaos.
These are some of the reasons Christianity is in need of rebuke.
If Christians were truly following our Savior and earnestly working to bring Godly dominion over His creation many of us would be hated and some of us would be in jail. In spite of attempting to become all things to all people the Apostle Paul five times received 39 lashes from the Jews, was beaten with rods and ship wrecked three times, stoned once, and in danger from Gentiles, fellow countrymen, and false brethren. Most of his New Testament writings were penned from a Roman jail where he was finally martyred.
The Biblical experiences of Christians living in pagan societies as they are recorded in the Bible are very different than the experiences we are enjoying in the quickly deteriorating cesspool we have allowed God’s creation to become.
There is no excuse for the Christian lapses that have allowed this situation to develop. We worship a powerful sovereign God. He will provide victory against tremendous odds. One need only refer to the story of Gideon in the 7th Chapter of Judges to understand the willingness of God to intervene on the side of righteousness.
Have you noticed, gentle reader, God has provided opportunity but Christians have not responded. The candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul was a God-sent opportunity for Christians to rally around an obedient politician whose record provided a testament to his integrity. Instead of supporting this good man Christian leaders play politics with pagans and conduct themselves by pagan rules. We do not need leaders like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, or even an aging icon like Billy Graham. We need leaders who accurately perceive reality and are willing to confront sin with God’s righteousness without regard for their reputation or consequences.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin has compiled a list of pastors who claim to be qualified and are willing to engage in the fight for possession of our nation. Read the list here.
Pastor Baldwin has been a stalwart voice in support of righteousness and I thank God for his leadership. I pray that he comes to an orthodox theological understanding that will offer his followers a stronger platform.
The pastor of the church my wife and I have been attending is on Pastor Baldwin’s list but we have heard very little information concerning the pertinent items outlined as Black Regiment requirements. Read the requirements here.
Preaching effectively against the sins of our time cannot be done without effort. God has given us His Word but His Word must be properly applied to our society. Without specific instruction, God’s army is sent into the field without weapons to predictable defeat. Preachers have a responsibility to equip their members to fight the battle.
Many preachers value liberty and support a free society but are completely ignorant of the devilish wiles that seek to imprison us. They view their duty as presenting a weekly winsomeness. This must change!
Jesus’ obedience to the Father and his sacrifice for our salvation is ineffable and He is worthy of our praise and adoration but this is not a time for adoration and praise. This is a time for war. The prophet Joel wrote, “Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare a war, rouse the mighty men! Let the soldier draw near, let them come up! Beat their plowshares into swords, and their pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say ‘I am a mighty man.’ Hasten and come all you surrounding nations and gather yourselves there. Bring down, O Lord, Thy mighty ones. Let the nations be aroused…..”
It is time the sword of the Spirit and the breastplate of righteousness are used in direct opposition to the heathen threat.
Our preachers must wake up and take a personal inventory to see if you are properly prepared. Using Pastor Baldwin’s Black Regiment requirements, they should resist the Seeker-Friendly, Purpose-Driven, and Emerging Church growth movements. They should preach against the unconstitutional USA Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping, and the deceptive manner in which President Bush has led America into an undeclared, unprovoked, and preemptive war against Iraq. They should preach against abortion, homosexuality, and the efforts of our government to promote both. They should understand the implications of porous borders and illegal immigration and how it puts the lie to the War on Terror and, they should support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence.
These serious issues cannot be addressed without taking time to understand the egregious evil being foisted on the world. Proper knowledge cannot be found in the press and media. The only sources of accurate information are educated fellow patriots and the internet. It is the responsibility of each individual pastor to learn the truth and to disseminate it to his congregation.
Truth is compatible with expository preaching if the content is properly connected with current events – expository preaching by itself is a sinful omission. Praise and worship are both needful but the centerpiece of the Christian message must address the heathen quest to imprison Christians under a tyrannical humanistic legal system. Failure to preach that message is a sin!
Now, gentle reader, you who sit in a pew each Sunday, does your preacher address these issues? Is he a soldier in the army of King Jesus? If he is not, it is your duty to confront him. Failure to confront makes you an accomplice to his sinful omission.
Congressman Paul sees the coming disintegration of the American Empire. So far this purposeful project has been accomplished by rote. If you have not listened to his entire message please return to the top of this column and take time to listen. He is also correct about the downfall of our nation being an opportunity.
Christians have allowed our nation to be torn down. It is now their duty to repent and see that it is rebuilt into a Biblically based entity that obeys the Creator and receives His blessing in return.
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
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