If I can’t laugh and “If I can’t dance, it’s not my Revolution.”
September 18, 2010
The night Jon Stewart announced a “Rally to Restore Sanity” and “The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert” joined in with a “March to Keep Fear Alive” this American ‘girl’ was dancing to every song ZZ Top and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers performed at the St. Pete Forum.
I grew up on the promise that the U.S. was always the good guy and that fear always closes ones mind and heart.
In the Colbert universe, “America, the Greatest Country God ever gave Man, was built on three bedrock principles: Freedom. Liberty. And Fear — that someone might take our Freedom and Liberty. But now, there are dark, optimistic forces trying to take away our Fear…They want to replace our Fear with reason. But never forget – ‘Reason’ is just one letter away from ‘Treason.’”
On September 11, 2001, fear ran through the heartland of America and The Media disseminated the White Houses’ dictation instead of questioning and investigating why some people in the world hated US so much they would target and murder innocent people.
President G.W. Bush told US if we wanted to help, we should all go shopping, but Neil Young and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers best expressed the spirit that this Nation was founded upon:
During the ’60′s the secular Jewish road warrior, Abbie Hoffman, co-founded the Yippies/Youth International Party.
Abbie was known as the grandmaster of The Groucho Marxist’s because of his creative comical anarchy.
Abbie pulled off a mass media manipulation when he convinced them to turn out at a demonstration at The Pentagon that promised 50,000 people using psychic energy would levitate The Pentagon, vibrate it and rotate it until it turned orange and the War on Vietnam ended.
In 1968 Chicago, Abbie addressed the children of the ’60′s who had planned on spending the night in a city park after their long day of ‘lobbying’ at the Democratic Convention.
Mayor Daly sent word to Abbie that the multitudes were not welcome in his park and the cops were on the way in.
Before the Chicago mob with badges descended upon the heads of America’s youth, Abbie stood at a microphone and quoted Christ:
“I send you out like little lambs into a wolves den. Remain as harmless as doves and cunning as snakes.”
If the doves had consulted Webster’s, they first would have had a laugh at the two words cunning is sandwiched between.
Then they would have learned that cunning means one must be skillful, clever, sly, crafty, and do things with skill and ingenuity.
To be cunning is to be attractive; cute and cleverly proficient.
The doves lacked cunning and thus got their heads clobbered in and many hippies were baptized by Billy-clubs and became yippies.
In 1989, just prior to expiring from a fatal alcohol and Phenobarbital combo, Abbie Hoffman told his sister he had a plan to solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict, but he never got around to filling her in.
Abbie did say, “We want everyone to control their own life and to care for one another…We cannot tolerate attitudes, institutions, and machines whose purpose is the destruction of life, the accumulation of profit.” [1]
In November of 1986 Hoffman was arrested along with fourteen others, for trespassing at the University of Massachusetts.
The charges stemmed from a protest against the Central Intelligence Agency‘s recruitment on the campus.
As University policy limited campus recruitment to law-abiding organizations, Hoffman, acting as his own attorney brought up the issue of the CIA’s lawbreaking activities.
The federal district court judge permitted expert witnesses, including a former Attorney General and a former CIA agent who testified about the CIA’s illegal Contra war against the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua in violation of the Boland Amendment.
“In three days of testimony, more than a dozen defense witnesses, including Daniel Ellsberg, Ramsey Clark, and former Contra leader Edgar Chamorro, described the CIA’s role in more than two decades of covert, illegal and often violent activities. In his closing argument, Hoffman, placed his actions within the best tradition of American civil disobedience. He quoted from Thomas Paine, “the most outspoken and farsighted of the leaders of the American Revolution”: “Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generations which preceded it. Man has no property in man; neither has any generation a property in the generations which are to follow.”
What America needs to rally for is to regain Common Sense, as Tom Paine knew it:
“Soon after I had published the pamphlet “Common Sense” [on Feb. 14, 1776] in America, I saw the exceeding probability that a revolution in the system of government would be followed by a revolution in the system of religion… The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”
1. The New Yippie Book Collective (eds.), Blacklisted News: Secret Histories from Chicago to 1984, page 514. Bleecker Publishing.
Eileen Fleming is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
Eileen Fleming, Founder of WeAreWideAwake.org
A Feature Correspondent for Arabisto.com
Author of “Keep Hope Alive” and “Memoirs of a Nice Irish American ‘Girl’s’ Life in Occupied Territory”
Producer “30 Minutes with Vanunu” and “13 Minutes with Vanunu”
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