
From Riches to Rags?

July 18, 2008

In 2004, Gerald Swanson, Professor of economics at the University of Arizona authored “America the Broke.” He wrote: “our political leaders, Republicans and Democrats alike, have abandoned all pretense of fiscal responsibility. Spending is out of control, further ballooning the highest national debt in the history of the world. …(our) current plight could touch off a world financial crisis and another Great Depression.” Four years later — the looming “now” crises — housing, banks, oil and natural... Read article

Lukewarm Churches Mirror Society

July 11, 2008

Over the last century, American Christian Churches have metamorphosed from standing out and being different from the surrounding society-culture to blending a little bit of this and little bit of that taken from present-day cultural mores, instead of God’s Word to man. The recent comprehensive Pew Forum U.S. Religious Landscape Survey ( demonstrated some surprising, if not astounding, statistics. That is, if the survey is accurate and asked the right questions. Survey statistics might give... Read article

Lest We Forget, Tell the Children

July 2, 2008

This year we celebrate the 232nd anniversary of the painful birth of our nation. Many Americans will gather for barbecues and fireworks yet they never learned why we celebrate this day or its’ importance to our present and future as a nation. Penned by Thomas Jefferson, the significance of the Declaration of Independence is the inclusion of God: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers... Read article

Take the Diseased GOP Back, Abandon It!

June 20, 2008

What’s in a name? Republican or Democrat? The major parties used to be clearcut on principles. Not anymore. In light of the last 20 years of Democratic and Republican leadership, the results have been dismal. President Bush’s and Congress’ ratings are at an all-time low. Our Choices: We have the stumbling-over-words McCain, depending on which group he is speaking to, attempting to please the attendees by “his record.” This, while Obama of the silky, silver tongue attracts an idolizing crowd of worshippers reminding... Read article

Be a Patriot, Vote America When You Shop!

June 6, 2008

I don’t know why it took so long, but I finally bought Roger Simmermaker’s book, “How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism.” Did you know we make “patriotic” decisions everyday when we spend our hard-earned money? Consumers are confronted daily with products “Made in (fill in the blank).” How can consumers support America? Simmermaker provides us with a strategy to support American companies versus buying whatever is available on store shelves. Using his definitions, we become Patriotic... Read article

Ron Paul’s Ultimate Revolution — It’s You!

May 23, 2008

The current presidential campaigns are being driven by self-interest on the part of the major parties, the candidates and the voters — with the exception of one man. This lone Republican candidate represents our nation, the U.S. Constitution and long-held founding principles which made America the great nation that it once was. He contends that it is “we the people” who can return us to standing on those constitutional principles and a government abiding by them. Ron Paul, underestimated and shunned by the liberal... Read article

Tolle’s ‘A New Earth,’ Darwin and Jesus

May 8, 2008

Another “How To” phenomena has hit Planet Earth. Promoted by spiritual seeker Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle and his book, “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” are attracting people around the world. A friend bought me a copy of Tolle’s book, saying “Give it a chance — if you read the first two chapters and don’t like it, don’t read anymore.” From beginning to end, I recognized the language and the words used. As little red flags flooded my mind, I took notes. I painfully finished the... Read article

“We the People” Called to Pray

April 24, 2008

President Bush has issued a Proclamation declaring National Prayer Day on May 1, 2008. He included this year’s Prayer Theme taken from Psalm 28, “The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” This is the response of a man who knows God answers prayers. It is a cry from one who has asked God to “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward Your Most Holy Place.” It is a plea to God to deliver an individual or a people (nation) from “…those... Read article

America – Propagate or Die

April 4, 2008

According to the Vatican, Islam is now the largest single religion in the world. Statistics, partly from the United Nations, show Muslims comprise 19.2 percent of the world’s population and Catholics only 17.4. Yet, when all Christian groups are counted, Christians make up at least 33 percent of the world’s population, about 2 billion people. What is increasingly coming to light is the reality that, due to immigration, Muslims are moving into large and small communities in developed, civilized countries across the globe.... Read article

Ron Paul’s Long-Term Thinking in Dangerous Times

March 19, 2008

Ron Paul’s campaign for president has ended, but his “Revolution” has not. Paul’s message of liberty and change has resonated with citizens who were on the verge of abandoning any hope that our America could return to its roots, the U.S. Constitution, and what it means for our future as a sovereign nation. Paul has stated that his campaign has not been one of winning the presidential nomination so much as “getting his message out to the people.” Igniting the minds of grassroots’ thinkers, filling hearts with... Read article

Bernanke’s Nightmare – Potato-Skin Soup Feast

March 7, 2008

Is a time coming, maybe sooner than later, when Americans will have no choice but to tighten their belts? Is it possible that a loaf of bread may cost too much or grocery shelves will be empty? News – price of wheat going up in addition to the already rising price of corn. But those aren’t the only increases coming our way. The effects are felt all along the chain of production. Along with food products, there’s the price increases of fuels and heating oils. With the price of diesel, truckers are fast losing income,... Read article

“I’m a Good Person”

February 29, 2008

As Lauren Cleri found out on the Fox reality show, “Moment of Truth,” she said one short sentence and lost a possible $200,000 plus winnings. Hooked up to a polygraph before the show and asked a list of personal questions, the host asked these personal questions on the program. Confessing infidelity and a desire to be married to her x-boyfriend instead of her present husband, she then claimed as the saying goes, after everything is said and done, “I’m a good person.” The polygraph had earlier scratched the seismic... Read article

The FairTax, Here to Stay

February 22, 2008

More citizens are joining the millions already on the FairTax bandwagon — and should. We’ve all known for decades that the antiquated and overburdened U.S. tax system needs to be reformed. The FairTax is not a reform of the present 67,000 pages of tax code. It is a complete replacement tax system based totally on consumption. The first book by talk-radio show host Neal Boortz and House Rep. John Linder (GA.), “The FairTax Book,” was a solid attempt to spread the word across the nation that there is a concerted... Read article

David (Walker) vs. Goliath

February 19, 2008

The congressional watchdog agency, the General Accounting Office, is losing their top man. On March 12, 2008, David M. Walker will depart the position of U.S. Comptroller General. He’s making the move from the federal government to a civilian position as president and CEO of the new Peter G. Peterson Foundation ( Mr. Peterson is committing $1 billion to the foundation for the purpose of drawing attention to what he stated as “…These problems have reached tidal proportions... Read article

Three Humble Giants, Two are Pres. Candidates

February 15, 2008

Unnoticed by the media and the majority of the population, three humble statesmen have consistently plowed their life roads towards restoration of freedom, liberty and the government under the U.S. Constitution. Two of them are presidential candidates in the Republican race. Freedom and Liberty — once fighting words. These two words are no longer used except for emotional appeal by political elitists who usually have a hidden agenda; power, greed and more control of citizens. Rep./Dr. Ron Paul has attracted attention... Read article

Tornadoes, Federal Budgets and Campaigns

February 7, 2008

After the Super Tuesday Tornadoes: “All the clues were there. It was just unfortunate that it came out the way it did.” -Joseph Schaefer, Storm Prediction Center, Norman, Oklahoma The clues to the State of the Union are in front of us, a storm of tornadoes are fast approaching. Are we taking any preventive action to correct, escape, avoid the consequences? This week Pres. Bush announced his 2009 $3.1 trillion budget. Congressional Dems have already declared they will most likely ignore Bush’s proposed budget and develop... Read article

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