
Straight Talk From Cowboy Country

October 12, 2006

For God’s sake, Mr. President, just TALK to the man! Ever since you “took” the office of the presidency of the United States, the president of North Korea has been asking to talk to you and you have refused. Bill Clinton talked to him, learned what the needs of that nation were, and agreed to fulfill some of those needs in return for some concessions by North Korea. You came in with a roar, totally ignoring the Clinton agreement, then naming Iraq, Iran, and North Korea the Axis of Evil, and insulting Kim... Read article

Faulty Intelligence

October 2, 2006

As Congressmen and Senators, having felt the outrage of the American public at the conduct of the War of Choice, are pursuing the opportunity to keep their well-paying jobs in the upcoming election, more and more of them are announcing that they regret having voted to go to war. Their alibi is that they were the victims of faulty intelligence which caused them to misunderstand the situation. However, upon examination, it would appear that the pertinent intelligence which was faulty just may have been their own! If little... Read article

The Living and The Dead

June 30, 2006

The living sing songs of inspiration, songs of praise for the superiority of their own nation, their own principles, and their own concept of God. They are the best of humans and they will triumph over all because their hearts are pure. The dead are silent. The living tell tales of great wars, of valiant men who have willingly laid down their lives in the pursuit of victory for their side, (whichever side that might have been), of men who still fought bravely though gravely wounded because their cause was just. The dead... Read article

A Time For Euthanasia

May 19, 2006

The old dog has outlived its usefulness. Granted, we have loved it dearly for its caring companionship and its contribution to the safety which we have found so precious. It still has the endearing tail wag when we approach and always seems glad to act in an ingratiating manner, but the teeth have grown smooth and the body is reluctant to move. When threatened, it can only growl and bare its now-useless teeth, trying to convince us that it is still “on the job” and performing its usual duties. But, however, much... Read article

So You Want To Be A Citizen

April 25, 2006

My Aunt Tildie has been gone for an extended visit with one of her granddaughters and I thought it would be nice to see her again. I love her active mind, her awareness of what is going on in the world amd had missed her irrepressible commentary on social problems. As I rang her bell, I could hear the bustle inside as she came to the door, threw it open wide, and motioned me to sit in the usual chair. Without the amenity of the usual offer of a cup of tea or other social protocols, she began telling me what was on her mind. “Did... Read article

Compassionate Immigration Reform

March 29, 2006

As our nation is being inundated by the stream of illegal immigrants crossing our southern borders, flooding our factories and fields with potential employees who are willing to work at extremely low wages, and overwhelming our already-stressed hospitals and welfare systems, Americans are being split yet again over how to handle the problem. There are those who cry for compassion in caring for these desperate people marching in determined opposition to those who are concerned about national security and the durability of... Read article

What If We Don’t?

March 22, 2006

Sometimes in life, when deciding what decision to make, it is helpful to reverse the problem and look at it from the bottom up, so to speak. There is much talk among the populace about whether it would be possible or advisable to launch impeachment procedures against President Bush so close to the end of his second, and last, term. It would likely leave us with Dick Cheney as president for two years, which many find a distasteful result. It would leave the nation “vulnerable” and “leaderless” in a... Read article

J-Mac and the Prez

March 17, 2006

The whole nation cheered as Jason McElwain was shown on the news, becoming the hero of his high school basketball team in Greece, New York. This autistic young man, having been given the “honor” of being the team manager for his school, was allowed by his coach to suit up for the last game of the season, (so he would feel connected while sitting on the bench), and was allowed to actually go onto the court in a game that was already “lost” just to give the kid a thrill. To the surprise of everybody,... Read article

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