
The Truth about Immigration

May 19, 2010

Sweat ShopEverything negative you’ve heard about immigration is true. In fact, all the election cycle talk about lazy parasites pouring over borders to leech off another nation’s resources doesn’t go far enough in explaining the gravity of this ongoing crisis. Scream it from the mountaintops (or at least on your blog): Immigrants are destroying any and all hope of for planetary survival. Illegal aliens are Public Enemy #1. Foreigners are terrorists.

If you don’t believe me, just ask any sweatshop worker in, say, Vietnam…

The perfidious colonizers I refer to, of course, are the insatiable transnational corporations setting up camp all across the Third World. Whether it be Nike, The Gap, Wal-Mart, or any other taxpayer-subsidized bloodsucker, these crafty illegal aliens can’t be stopped by constructing a mere wall. They travel with impunity…on the wings of government subvention and cunning, relentless propaganda. Thanks to decades of conditioning, even the victims of these soulless migrants will voluntarily pay for the right to wear a shirt bearing their corporate logo.

One would not be engaging in hyperbole to characterize these illegal invaders as “terrorists.” Forget color-coded alerts, staged arrests, and manufactured scares. Put aside those times you were forced to remove your shoes at the airport. As defined at, “an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety” and/or an “intense, overpowering fear” characterize brand of the terror I speak of.

While the corporate media obscures the real terror and trains its focus on the latest battle between Obama and Osama (or the current villain of the day), the primary conflict on the planet remains unchanged: globalization from above vs. globalization from below.

“Immigrants” like the World Trade Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and transnational corporations are elements of a mutant form of remote control imperialism. The United States doesn’t always have to send armies into other countries. It sends in Disney and McDonalds with the (usually) unspoken threat of military force backing them up.

Globalization is not intrinsically a bad idea. Mutually beneficial global ties can be essential. As Arundhati Roy sez: “In the present circumstances, I’d say that the only thing worth globalizing is dissent.”

But perhaps Marx said it best (I mean Groucho, in Monkey Business): “There’s my argument: restrict immigration.”

Mickey Z. is a self-educated writer, personal trainer, martial artist, and vegan who lectures on US foreign policy at MIT in his spare time. He has appeared in martial arts films and was known as the Underground Poet for hanging his poetry in the NYC subway. He is the author of numerous books, including, most recently, “CPR for Dummies” and “No Innocent Bystanders”. He lives with his wife Michele in New York City. You can contact him at: . Visit him on the web at

Mickey Z is a regular columnist for

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