
A Two Armed, “Unarmed” Victim

April 26, 2012

They want to make firearms illegal, they give certain racial groups special treatment,  they censor our news, they manipulate our politics, they support war, they act in unison, they regularly distort the truth by failing to report all of the story, and they degrade our society by presenting immoral and debilitating programs.  They have an agenda, and, without presenting a single dissenting opinion, that agenda is parroted by every employee.  They support world government, and their owners attend international meetings... Read article

Stealing From God

April 15, 2012

Insurance Without The Policy… On C-Span Chris Hedges interviewed Alain de Botton about his book “Religion for Atheists”.    Alain de Botton was new to me but Chris Hedges has paid a price for standing with his convictions and has used his considerable literary talents to project shreds of truth to power.  The title of the book attracted my attention. Both Hedges and de Botton are smart, well read, and well educated; both bring forth considerable erudition on a variety of subjects.  Alain de Botton described... Read article

Power Without Blessing

March 29, 2012

A Conversation of Tyranny… The “Daily Bell” is a Libertarian internet site that provides news and commentary.  Anthony Wile is editor and the page has an impressive list of Libertarian advisors.  DB is a foundation that solicits donations. Libertarian Pages like “Freedom Phoenix”, “Lou Rockwell”, “The Daily Bell” and others provide sources for monitoring the advancement of tyranny in America and throughout the world.  I am a Christian, I am not a Libertarian, but the common quest for truth often... Read article

From Great And Good To Great And Powerful

February 14, 2012

A Nation Without Morality And Compassion… The imposition of tyranny is often accompanied by divine overtones: creation of artificial enemies, suppression of dissent, and destruction of competing divinities.  As American freedom gives way to the lawless power of the new world order elite, Christianity is beginning to feel the legal sting.  Abortion has become a permanent part of our society and now laws are in place to enforce homosexuality and make the Christian Bible illegal. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton... Read article

Catching The Edge of The Nail

January 31, 2012

Propaganda and the Art of Pulling the Punch… At the beginning of his State of the Union address President Obama said, “Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs. A future where we’re in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity aren’t so tied to unstable parts of the world. An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility... Read article

Race and Culture

January 23, 2012

Embedded in Creation… Reformed theology is heavily flavored with intellectualism.  Scholastic achievements and college degrees are used to lend authenticity to theological positions and there are too many meritocratic mini-tomes written in support of what are sometimes nit-picky contentions.  These contentions sometimes blur and distort more important issues. Regent University graduate Steve Halbrook, a talented young Christian scholar, has written a book entitled “God Is Just; A defense of Old Testament Civil... Read article

It’s All Propaganda!

December 29, 2011

Drowning In Lies… Propaganda has been pandemic for so long that few Americans recognize that almost everything they see and hear contains at least some element of propaganda. We watch, listen, and seriously consider the rhetoric and actions that accompany the presidential debates thinking it will help determine which of the candidates is best suited for the position of President of the United States.  Actually, the debates are a propaganda tool to help listeners believe their opinions are being considered.  With... Read article


December 13, 2011

The Letter of the Law… With laws spewing forth from 435 congressmen and a hundred senators in Washington, 40 state senators in Tallahassee, and a cadre of local legislators, Florida is being inundated with laws. It is hard to exit our houses without breaking a law.  We are suffering from stage-four legal carcinoma.  With volumes of laws already on the books and new ones being added daily obedience is impossible. For the little yellow light before the school grounds we quickly slow from forty miles per hour to twenty... Read article

The World Is Changing

November 16, 2011

The world has come to an intersection and is now rolling down a new highway.   Major changes are in progress: The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement sprang up almost magically as an agent of impending change. Mary Gabriel, author of the Karl Marx biography “Love and Capital” points to a renewed interest in Karl Marx and the similarity of his era to ours.  She cites the industrial revolution as the engine for change in his era and the electronic age in ours. South Korean economist, Dr. Ha-Joon Chang, a graduate and... Read article

False Hope Springs Eternal

October 12, 2011

The Elections Are Much Ado About Very Little… Americans have been skillfully imbued with idea that the United States of America is the world’s greatest country; it has the most freedom, the best government, the best judicial system, the most inventive people, the best industry, the best morals, a superior social order, a more righteous citizenship, the most wealth, the best athletes, etc.  They sincerely believe in a paternal approach to the world and cling to the hope that voting will provide leadership that will... Read article

Debase Morals: Deteriorate Cultural

October 2, 2011

“The sinner treats sin as though it leaves no mark. The adulterer or adulteress regard past sins as easily wiped out as a bit of food on the corner of their mouths. What is past is past, they hold, and they see no wickedness in their attitude.” R. J. Rushdoony When the arrogance of men and nations cause them to overreach their capacity they become vulnerable to decline. Our capacity is limited by time, by our physical dimensions, by our mental capacity, by our individuality, and by our personal fragility. We are... Read article

Scurrilous Government

September 20, 2011

The Next Presidential Election… The tragic mendacity that accompanies the charade called Democracy is again in full swing with presidential candidates spewing forth volumes of empty rhetoric.   Baseball and football are popular American competitions but politics is even more addictive.   Americans love to hate; they hate government designated enemies, they hate opposing political parties, they hate the opposing team at sporting events, they sometimes hate their neighbors and often even themselves. Politics is... Read article

Cross Purposes

September 10, 2011

Misplaced Trust… “I hope you can read my heart in this, as my intention from the beginning and through all the land and house hunting that we have done here for you folks was to help you as much as possible and that we three love you both and are doing our best to keep you from getting scammed and taken for a ride, plus we are trying to negotiate the best possible deal that we can as though it was our money that was being spent. We haven’t asked the contractor for a dime, if you buy his house, we have been... Read article

Scripture as Ammunition

August 28, 2011

Responses that begin with the statement “I am not trying to be critical” or “I am not haughty” are almost always critical and haughty.  Many Christians are fixated on Bible verses.  They demand confirming support for every statement.  Several months ago a two page type written series of verses came in support of a position that opposed something I had written.  I often receive emails demanding that I respond with verses to support my position.  When I decline, the sender tells me that I don’t read the... Read article

Humanism: The Scourge of Humanity

August 10, 2011

It has never been popular to publically condemn evil actions.    When Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed hypocrites he planted a seed that contributed to His own demise.  Today is the same. Writing truthful essays results in unexplained silences, quietly broken relationships, hate mail, and problems with publication.  Continuing to construct essays in the same vein is redundant, and though necessary to produce even tiny public change, it, too, is often condemned. Truth gets occluded when donations are essential.  Ministries... Read article

Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

July 16, 2011

Fool Me Thrice, God Help Us All… Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.  Fooling the public is one of America’s most successful enterprises. Banks make money by deceiving customers, retail stores fool us with pricing shenanigans, manufacturers sneak in lower weights, churches manipulate the Gospel, the government manipulates the Constitution, political prevarication... Read article

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